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HomeMobile GamingBGMI GodLike Esports BMPS 2024 Grand Finals Live Performance Tracker

[🔴LIVE] GodLike Esports BMPS 2024 Grand Finals Live Performance Tracker

GodLike Esports has long been a fan-favorite in the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports scene, known for their once dominant gameplay. However, in recent years, the team has faced a string of underwhelming performances, leading many to question whether they can reclaim their former glory. BMPS 2024 marks a critical moment for GodLike Esports, as it is the first official BGMI LAN event they’ve qualified for in two years. Is this the beginning of their redemption arc?

BMPS 2024 Grand Finals Day 1

Match 6 – Erangel

The first match of the BMPS 2024 Grand Finals kicked off on Erangel, setting the stage for an intense competition. GodLike Esports made their drop at the School Apartments, quickly looting the area before rotating to the School itself.

Although the zone was positioned in the southern part, GodLike opted to rotate to Georgopol City, located south of the safe zone, due to insufficient loot. Following this, they made their way to Pochinki. As the next zone formed just below Pochinki, GodLike took control of Pochinki Hill, positioning themselves strategically for the ensuing battles.

During their rotation to the next zone, GodLike encountered Mesal Esports, resulting in a swift exchange of fire. Admino secured the first elimination by taking down SahilOPaf. Shortly after, Simp eliminated Silly Esports’ AKSHUZZ33K, while Punkk finished off Medal Esports’ Encore.

However, the tides soon turned when TWOB’s SYRAX knocked and eliminated Admino, followed by PrinceOG knocking out Simp. In a crucial moment, Punkk delivered a well-timed grenade that knocked two members of TWOB. Despite their initial success, the situation quickly escalated when Punkk was knocked by Syrax.

In a retaliatory move, JONATHAN managed to knock Syrax, but the chaos continued as JONATHAN was ultimately finished by the last surviving player from TWOB, SARVIT. Consequently, GodLike Esports was eliminated with each player recording only one finish, highlighting the fierce competition in this high-stakes match.

Match 5Miramar:

In the fifth match, GodLike Esports made a strategic drop at Hacienda del Patrón. After securing the main compound, the team efficiently looted the surrounding areas, including Cruz de Valle. With the zone favoring GodLike until the end, they held a strong position in the center of the circle.

The team demonstrated impressive consistency and secured finishes throughout the match. However, they faced early setbacks with the loss of Admino and Simp, which could have derailed their momentum. Despite this, Punkk and Jonathan continued to assert their dominance on.

As the match progressed, Hyderabad Hydras managed to finish off the last two remaining players from GodLike. Nevertheless, Jonathan showcased his skill by securing one final finish against Hyderabad Hydra’s Crypto.

In total, Jonathan led the charge with 5 finishes, while Punkk contributed with 2, and both Simp and Admino added 2 finishes each.

Match 4Vikendi:

In the third match on Vikendi, GodLike Esports dropped at Cement Factory,. They found themselves in a favorable position early on, as the zone formed near their location. Taking advantage of the situation, they played passively, focusing on rotations and staying within the zone for most of the early game.

During Stage 6, GodLike clashed with Team Limra, where they secured two crucial finishes but suffered the loss of Admino. Despite the setback, the team regrouped and continued to hold strong. As Simp and Jonathan anchored a compound, NUMEN’s Mafia rushed in, but Simp swiftly took him down with his DBS, further solidifying their position. However, soon after, Team Limra’s Hesperos eliminated Punkk, leaving GodLike with just two players.

In the same compound, as the zone continued to shrink, Team Versatile’s InfinityOP sneaked in and knocked Jonathan. Simp, quick to respond, secured the trade by finishing off Infinity. But the action wasn’t over. Sensing an opportunity, Silly Esports pushed aggressively on the weakened GodLike. What followed was a heroic display by Simp, who single-handedly wiped out three players from Silly Esports using his DBS.

The match ultimately boiled down to a 1v1 duel between Simp and Silly Esports’ last standing player, AKSHUZZ3K. After a tense battle, Simp emerged victorious, finishing off AKSHUZZ3K and clutching an impressive 1v4 to secure the win for GodLike Esports.

This incredible performance by Simp not only gave GodLike Esports their first win of the day but also reignited hopes for their redemption arc in BMPS 2024.

Match 3 – Sanhok:

In the third match of BMPS 2024, on Sanhok, GodLike Esports opted for a drop near Pai Nan and Bootcamp, to loot compounds. However, their strategy backfired as they were caught off-guard by Team Phoenix even before the first zone fully closed in. An unexpected early fight broke out, and despite their best efforts, GodLike couldn’t recover, resulting in a full-team elimination without securing any kills.

Match 2 – Miramar:

In the second match, GodLike Esports opted to drop at Hacienda del Patrón. After securing the main compound, the team efficiently looted the surrounding areas, including Cruz de Valle, which eventually became a pivotal location near the center of the play zone. As the zone began to close in, the intensity ramped up, with all teams converging in this area.

As the Stage 3 formed near San Martin, GodLike Esports quietly sneaked in to the play zone from the eastern edge of the zone.

However, the zone experienced a hard shift to the west, moving away from GodLike’s position. To reach the play zone, they attempted to rotate to the southeastern side, navigating all the way from the southern edge of the blue zone.

During their rotation, GodLike caught Medal Esports off guard while they were engaged in a fight with another team, eliminating them and securing three finishes in the process. However, as they continued their attempt to enter the zone, they encountered Orangutan, who was gatekeeping the western edge. Despite suffering one casualty from the zone during the fight, GodLike successfully created space for themselves within the zone, showcasing their resilience and adaptability under pressure.

Unfortunately, the team lost two more players in the process, leaving JONATHAN as the lone survivor. As the fight intensified, JONATHAN could not withstand the pressure and was ultimately eliminated, leading to GodLike Esports finishing in 9th position.

Match 1 – Erangel:

The first match of the BMPS 2024 Grand Finals kicked off on Erangel, setting the stage for an intense competition. GodLike Esports made their drop at the School Apartments. After looting the area, they quickly rotated to the School itself.

Stage 3 formed towards the west of Shooting Range. As the zone began to close in, GodLike Esports executed a rotation from Rozhok Bridge. They navigated carefully and made their way into the safe zone from the north-eastern edge, crossing the SHooting Range area safely.

Entering Stage 4, the circle saw a hard shift to the south, moving away from the previous zone and positioning itself on the eastern side of North Georgopol city. This shift prompted aggressive play from GodLike, with Simpp securing the first finish by knocking Team Bliss’s Ajj777. Shortly after, Admino finished off Team X Spark’s Jokerr, marking the team’s second finish of the match. Punkk then made his mark by knocking Tx’s Sarang, followed by another knock and finish of TWOB’s Prince with a deadly DBS shot.

GodLike Esports continued their dominance by eliminating multiple players from Inferno Squad, although they suffered a setback with the loss of JONATHAN during the skirmish.

Despite this loss, GodLike’s performance was nothing short of spectacular, as they picked up finishes left and right, showcasing their aggressive playstyle. Unfortunately, the stream crashed due to a technical issue just before the match concluded. Before the crash, Simpp had tallied 3 finishes, Admino led with 5, and Punkk contributed 2 finishes.

In the end, GodLike Esports emerged victorious, clinching their first Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (WWCD) of the BMPS 2024 Grand Finals. This strong start sets a promising tone for their journey in the tournament.

BMPS 2024 could very well be the redemption arc for GodLike Esports, but it will require sustained effort across every remaining match. The fans are ready, the players are motivated, and the stage is set for GodLike to make their grand return to the top.

Stay tuned as we continue tracking GodLike Esports’ performance through the rest of BMPS 2024—will this be their triumphant comeback? Only time will tell.

Moin Khot
Moin Khot
Moin heads the mobile gaming and esports coverage for TalkEsport. As an avid gamer himself, he has a passion for staying up to date on the latest developments and trends in gaming industry.

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