Apex Legends Olympus Map leaked; Photos Inside


Apex Legends Season 7 is right around the corner and Respawn added fuel to the fire with leaks suggesting a new map Olympus.

On October 27, the first teaser was dropped via Apex’s own Instagram, however, a famed data miner who goes by the name Biast12 dropped additional images. One of his images shows an overview of the whole map and the POIs.

These images are far from ideal, but they are certainly of the new map.

Olympus POI

  • Turbine
  • Orbital
  • Cannon Rift
  • Docks
  • Hammond Labs
  • Power Grid
  • Carrier
  • Oasis
  • Elysium
  • Hydroponics
  • Bonsai Plaza
  • Solar Array
  • Grow Towers
  • Gardens
  • Energy Depot
  • Estates

Season 7 launch trailer will drop on October 28, at 8:30 PM IST, and it is expected to give us a sneak peek at Olympus. New maps give a fresh feeling to competitive esports where players circulate between the same maps. However, it can’t be said whether the community will appreciate the map, at least not before it is actually introduced in the game. It is seen more often than not that a new map has undergone several changes before the player base accepts it.

Apex Legends Season 7 is set to release in November.