Marvel Rivals Season 1, titled “Eternal Night Falls,” is set to launch globally, bringing an exciting new chapter to the game. The season will include two major phases of content and introduce characters like Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman. Here’s everything you need to know about the start and timeline of Season 1.
The new season kicks off on January 10, following scheduled server maintenance by NetEase Games, which begins on January 9 at 11 PM PT and concludes by January 10 at 1:10 AM PT. Once the servers are back online, players can dive into the action with new content.
Key Launch Times Across Regions:
- PST: 1:10 AM
- CST: 3:10 AM
- EST: 4:10 AM
- BRT: 6:10 AM
- BST: 10:10 AM
- CEST/SAST: 11:10 AM
- GST: 1:10 PM
- KST/JST: 6:10 PM
- AEDT: 8:10 PM
The second half of Season 1 will debut approximately six to seven weeks later, introducing the Human Torch and The Thing. While the exact end date for the season isn’t confirmed, it’s projected to conclude by April 11.
Marvel Rivals Season 1 promises thrilling battles as players align with the Fantastic Four to face Dracula in a brand-new storyline. With global timing and exciting content, fans won’t want to miss this immersive experience.