Monday, March 24, 2025

The rise of Betting on Esports 101

When we are talking about a fresh industry, betting on esports, that revolves around large sums of money, of course, we are going to talk about newcomers that don’t know what is getting themselves into. This leads to a lot of money spent carelessly and in some way that’s the way the world works. You lose some, you gain some.

A rising giant

Betting on eSports doesn’t have a long history but is on the rise. Sites such as are capable of finally giving you the possibility of taking money from all those hours you lost on playing your favorite game. But if you win money now, were those hours really lost? That’s another discussion. For now, throw a look below as you’ll find a compact guide on how to bet on eSports.

Betting on eSports – Types of bets

Unlike traditional betting, the one performed on eSports doesn’t yet offer all the various types of bets that you are perhaps used to. This will change because we are talking about a rising industry.

You’ll see that most options that are offered include betting on the “Outright Winner” (the winner of a tournament) or on the “Match winner” (the person who wins a match). And the Match winner option comes with two additional possibilities – money line or handicap.

Moneyline betting

As we said, this option is available when you are betting on a match winner. Basically, money line betting is when you are betting directly on who you think will win a match.

If we are talking about a BO3 (best out of three) match, then your chosen team should win with 2-0 or 2-1. And if we are talking about a BO5 (best out of five, you guessed it) match, then your team should be the winner in 3 rounds, so 3-0, 3-1 or 3-2.

It’s not exactly rocket science, right?

Handicap Betting

Here things get a little more complicated, but it’s nothing to be scared of. Handicap betting is an option that will allow you to increase the odds of a favorite team so that the gains could be increased.

Let’s take the scenarios we played with the money line bet. So, in the BO3 (you already know by now what it means) match, if your team has a handicap of -1.5 and it wins 2-0, you have won the bet. The BO5 match with a handicap of -2.5 should end with a 3-0 result for you to win.

Any other results in these scenarios would leave you with a little more wind in your pocket.

That’s it?

Well, no. Recently, there have been new options added to betting sites. We are talking about first-blood bets or first to kill 10 bets. But these don’t require much thinking from you as they already say what they mean.


Now you know what types of bets are available for you when you venture on your journey of online betting. While eSports are based on the outcomes of games, you shouldn’t treat betting on them like a game. You can make fortunes if you plan right and don’t risk recklessly, so have a little more patience and do some proper research.

Also, do make sure to crosscheck whether betting/gambling is legal as per your local laws. We do not encourage underaged kids, and people who reside under strict norms to indulge into betting.

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