Sunday, March 23, 2025

Grandmaster Niemann under fire for not paying $5 charity tournament fee

Twitch stream and Grandmaster Hans Niemann is under fire by his fans for not playing a mere $5 entry fee for the registration of a charity tournament.

Chess has seen a massive rise in popularity in recent times and several streamers have benefitted from it, including Grandmaster Hans Niemann. Being one of the top players on Twitch earned him the respect of all Chess fans on the platform but he is on the verge of losing it all by refusing to pay a mere $5 as entry fees for a charity tournament.

During his live stream from New York, Niemannwas made aware of the charity tournament. His interest grew until it came down to the entry fees. Despite sounding confident, Niemannwas unwilling to pay the entry fee as he believes in an unwritten mandate that Grandmasters do not pay an entry fee.

“Grandmasters don’t pay entry fee, man!” he said. “That’s a thing!” “My eight years of work to Grandmaster means nothing then,” he added. “It should mean a free entry because that’s what every tournament organizer does.”

“Half the proceeds are donated to charity!” replied the Tournament organizer.

“I didn’t know it was charity, but still. It’s just a matter of respect,” replied Niemann.

It is self-explanatory that why fans were very disappointed with his behavior, especially when it was a small amount, that too for charity purposes. The Grandmaster dismissed all claims highlighting the lack of respect shown to him. There are no further proceeding in the drama as of late, but more to follow when goes live again.

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