The gossip around GTA 6 continues, and a new rumor has surfaced, this time concerning its performance. Despite the anticipated graphical leap, whispers suggest the game might launch with a 30 FPS cap on consoles.
This information comes from Mike York, a former Rockstar Games animator with credits on titles like Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5. In a now-deleted episode of the Kiwi Talkz podcast, York expressed doubt about Rockstar’s ability to achieve 60 FPS for GTA 6.
“I don’t know if they’ll be able to pull off 60 FPS,” York stated, suggesting a 30 FPS lock for consoles at launch. He speculated that this decision could be driven by the need for a stable frame rate, given the game’s expected visual complexity.
But from my experience, they’re going to squeeze every little freaking thing they can out of it and then optimize later for 60 frames because it’s not as important as just making the game amazing at 30 frames.
Mike York
York hinted that the frame rate might be improved through post-launch patches. He also raised the possibility of the rumored PS5 Pro achieving 60 FPS, though he emphasized that this is uncertain.
While York’s experience lends credence to the rumor, it’s important to remember that this isn’t official confirmation from Rockstar. Many gamers expect 60 FPS as a standard in modern titles, especially with the option to adjust settings. However, the sheer graphical fidelity of GTA 6 could indeed necessitate a lower initial frame rate. Whether Rockstar can optimize the game for 60 FPS remains to be seen.