Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Destiny 2 Guardian Games: How to get Heir Apparent Exotic Machine Gun & Catalyst

Bungie introduced this machine gun during last year’s Guardian Games which was awarded to players upon acquiring the tedious triumph. This year, the exotic weapon returns for the 2021 Guardian Games which runs from April 20-May 10. You’ll have the freedom to complete the quest associated with the event until May 11, after which you won’t be able to get the weapon.

Here’s a list of quests and objectives you need to follow to get Heir Apparent:

  • Pick up your guardian’s class item from Zavala and EQUIP it, this will allow you to drop and pick up Laurels, a unique event item required to progress in Guardian Games quests.
  • Talk to Eva Levante and pick up the quest “The Games Begin.” Finish the quest by gathering 100 Laurels either from Strikes, Crucible, or Gambit, and redeem them for a Contender Card from Eva Levante.
  • Upon acquiring the Contender Card, you’ll start the Wreathed In Laurels exotic quest and gather 50 Laurels this time for Step 1 of the quest. The easiest way to do so is by doing the Guardian Games strike from the Tower.
  • For Step 2, you’ll have to defeat 100 enemies with a machine gun in one of the Daily Focus playlist game modes which alternate between Crucible, Strikes, and Gambit on a daily basis. Doing this step in Strikes or Gambit is much easier due to the lack of heavy ammo in Crucible.

After finishing these objectives, the weapon will instantly drop in your inventory.

How to get Heir Apparent Catalyst:

This one’s a bit tricker, the catalyst is called Legion’s Bulwark and the associated quest drops randomly when you deposit medals in the podium located at the Tower.

Once you get the quest titled Competitive Catalyst, you’ll be tasked with 3 Steps to get the Catalyst.

  • Step 1: Earn 50 medal points. Each medal is worth a specific point, Bronze: 1 point Silver: 2 points Gold: 5 points Platinum: 15 points. Gather medals by getting Platinum Contender Cards for Nightfall strikes. Completing the strikes will give you a Silver and a Platinum medal which will add up to 17 points every time you finish the strike.
  • Step 2: You’ll need to complete 3 contender cards that you can purchase from Eva Levante, Strike-focused contender cards are easier to finish in comparison to the other two.
  • Step 3: Collect 90 Competitive spirit, you’ll need to use a machine gun in the daily focus playlist associated game mode. Upon collecting enough spirit, you’ll get the Heir Apparent exotic catalyst.

To finish the Catalyst’s progress to unlock it, defeat 700 enemies.

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