Monday, March 3, 2025

Finding your Valorant Sensitivity, Crosshair and Graphic Settings

It has been a while since Riot launched its 5v5 tactical shooter Valorant and the game has taken the internet by storm; with the Riot now moving towards developing a mobile version, many newcomers are still pouring into Valorant.

The game has a simple objective: you either defend the bomb site from the attackers or plant the spike and ensure it detonates to win a round. There are other intricacies to the game, but to the core, the game is simple, eliminate the opposition and win the game. 

And to start, Valorant still seems like a tall task. Being a keyboard-mouse-based game, Valorant still has many factors that come into play while playing Valorant. These include what mouse sensitivity to use?, what is the best crosshair?, what is the best aspect ratio?, and what are the best settings for maximum FPS?

Let’s start with the question of what is a crosshair. A crosshair is a pointer which points to the centre of your screen. It is a personal preference, but when you have a game that encourages spraying or bursting, players generally go with a Cross-Shaped Crosshair that is neither too small nor too big and has a small gap. 

Dot Crosshairs are also popular amongst aimers as they tell you the exact point where your first bullet would go. Some professional players who are infamous for their aim use dot crosshair, e.g. Scream and Derke. While the Dot crosshair is rewarding, it might backfire, and you have little information. 

An excellent way to start with your crosshair is to copy the crosshair of your favourite professional player and, starting there, adjust the crosshair according to you. You can do this in Valorant by copying the crosshair code if available. Go to Settings > Crosshair > Import Profile > Paster your Copied Code and then Import.

You can change the required settings depending on your choice. 

Some standard Valorant crosshair codes you can use are:

  • CROSS:0;p;0;s;1;P;o;0.417;f;0;0t;1;0l;4;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;A;d;1;z;3;f;0;s;0;0b;0;1b;0;S;c;5;s;1.581;o;1
  • PLUS:0;p;0;s;1;P;o;0.695;0t;1;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;A;t;2;o;0.909;d;1;z;3;0b;0;1b;0;S;c;2;s;1.694;o;1
  • DOT: 0;s;1;P;d;1;z;3;0b;0;1b;0;S;c;2;s;0.915;o;1

One thing you must consider while copying the crosshair code is the Aspect Ratio of the player you are copying the crosshair from. Generally, for Valorant, playing on your systems resolution and aspect ratio is recommended.

Now onto sensitivity, it is always a personal preference but must consider factors such as the availability of desk space. Lower sensitivity gives you better control, while higher sensitivity helps you cover a lot of angles without moving your mouse a lot.

An excellent way to understand if your sensitivity works for you is to set a fixed point in Valorant and strafe left to right, maintaining your crosshair on the fixed point. If you find yourself over-compensating, you should lower your sensitivity; if under-compensating, you should increase your sensitivity.

Sensitivity like crosshair is also largely affected by the resolution, aspect ratio and your playstyle. A person who enjoys flicking should opt for a faster resolution, while one who stays back and hold should opt for a slower one. 

On average, streamers and professionals run a Valorant eDPI of 277, which is your in-game sensitivity multiplied by your mouse’s DPI, which means at 400 DPI on your mouse, you have 0.69 as your in-game sensitivity. To calculate your eDPI, use the formula. 

Valorant eDPI = In-Game Sensitivity * DPI

It is to be noted that this is just for Valorant, and when you compare it with CSGO, it is awfully low. As an average CSGO professional, eDPI is around 850s. It is because both scales are different, and if you scale Valorant Sensitivity to CSGO’s Sensitivity, you will get an eDPI of around 800s.

If you are coming from  CSGO, you can multiply your CSGO in-game sens by 3.18 to get your sens in Valorant, maintaining the same mouse DPI. But it is highly recommended that you play games with different sensitivities as both titles have unique offerings. 


Once you find yours for Valorant, you shouldn’t change it often and stick to one until you are comfortable with the sensitivity, as changing might bring short-term results but doesn’t garner value in the long term. 

Now onto Video settings other than resolution and Aspect Ratio. It would be best if you always went for low graphic settings, especially in a game like Valorant, so only necessary information is processed, reducing the load on your system and you. You don’t want to see the details on a wall as they don’t matter.

In the Graphics Settings, Multicore Rendering helps distribute load across multiple cores allowing the game to run smoother. The quality settings should be low while learning and can be changed later depending on the system. 

Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing filtering are Video Filtering techniques; thus, using minimum would take the load off your system. VSync helps to sync frames between Screen refresh rate and In-game FPS and should be used when In-Game FPS is lower than screen refresh rate, or else it would lead to frame tearing. 

To sum it all up, All the settings are a personal preference. One can start by the following someone but should change it depending on their preference. Following the settings mentioned earlier should help you begin your Valorant Journey, but eventually, you should find your place in the world of Valorant.

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