Thursday, March 27, 2025

Where to find Haunted Household Furniture in Fortnite?

Fortnite has introduced the Fortnitemares event and the quests of that event are live. One of those quests is finding haunted household furniture in Fortnite. If you are here to know how to complete the quest, keep reading this article till the end.

Haunted Household Furniture seems to be typical Fortnite furniture, except that it is slightly hovering in the air and has a fragile spectral covering.

Where to find Haunted Household Furniture in Fortnite?

I would suggest you to search for haunted furniture in Greasy Grove. The specific locations are mentioned below:

  • White House to the North
  • Yellow House to the North
  • Blue House in the center
  • Green House to the Southwest

Simply hitting Haunted Household Furniture with your pickaxe once will quickly reduce its health to zero. You must demolish 7 pieces of furniture to receive your prize, but you do not have to do so all at once.

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