Thursday, December 19, 2024

How To Get The Lightsaber in Resident Evil Village?

Capcom’s latest entry in the Resident Evil franchise “Village” has been out for a few days only, and fans of the game are already out there looking through every level and corner for hints and secrets. 

Capcom is always known for hiding easter eggs in their games, be it older titles or new titles. This time the developers have included an actual lightsaber in the game. Paying homage to the Star Wars Franchise, players can get their hands on the LZ Answerer — a wacky and fun weapon with which you can “slice through anything”. The lightsaber can be customized a little bit in colors like Red, Green, and Blue. 

Here’s how you can unlock the LZ Answerer

Unlocking the LZ Answerer isn’t a simple task and will take time. For once, the LZ won’t be unlocked in the first playthrough and requires you to complete the game once. 

  • Complete the main story once to unlock “Extra Content Shop”. 
  • In the extra content shop, find “The Mercenaries” mode. Buy the Mercenaries mode using 100 Challenge Points (you will be loaded with them after completing the main story once) and play through the course. 
  • Finish every course with an SS rank. 
  • Once completed, again visit the extra content shop to find “The LZ Answerer”. 
  • Buy the blueprint and then visit the main merchant in the game- The Duke, and get yourself a Lightsaber!

While it’s a tall task completing to unlock the LZ Answerer, using the lightsaber is a very fun and satisfying experience. Even though it isn’t the strongest weapon in the game, the lightsaber is still an interesting weapon nonetheless.

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