Thursday, March 6, 2025

Omen Ascent Window Teleport Bug In Valorant

Here’s how you can teleport from the window to B site in Ascent with Omen.

In the past, Valorant players have found out a plethora of ways to use (or abuse) the ‘Shrouded Step’ ability of Omen to make some impressive plays. While many of the bugs revolving around this ability has been patched out by the developers, it appears like a Valorant fan has discovered a way to teleport into the B site on Ascent from the windows in main.

To be able to replicate this trick yourself, you need to have a sage in your team. Sage’s wall is already extremely useful when used near the B main window to get information on the defending team or to get the first kill. Omen, on the other hand, can take this wall to a whole new level when he uses his Shrouded Step to teleport into the B site through the gaps on the window.

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This trick can be extremely useful to catch the entire defending side off-guard at the beginning of the round and score some free kills. Your only cause of concern is that you may give away the trick once you’ve used it a couple of times, so use it sparingly.

Once the enemies are aware of the trick, they might be occasionally checking the B window for potential walls or teleports. Your enemies might also use the trick against you if they have the proper lineup to do so.

Here are some clips of Reddit user u/HypZ_Valorant demonstrating this trick in his post.

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