Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Pokemon Mega Power Cheats December 2022

Pokemon Mega Power is a Monster Capture RPG game published by wind1158 released on May 4, 2014 for the GameBoy Advance.

It contains a new adventure for you to play. It is the rom hack of the game Pokemon Emerald.

Pokemon Mega Power Cheats

00006FA7 000A 1006AF88 0007

Enter code: 83007CF6 XXXX and replace XXXX with your chosen Pokemon ID.
0090 = Articuno
0091 = Zapdos
0092 = Moltres
0096 = Mewtwo
0097 = Mew
00f3 = Raikou
00f4 = Entei
00f5 = Suicune
00f9 = Lugia
00fa = Ho-oh
00fb = Celebi
0197 = Latias
0196 = Rayquaza
0198 = Latios
0199 = Jirachi
001f = Deoxys
0020 = Darkrai
0068 = Phione
0069 = Manaphy
019a = Keldeo
00cb = Zygarde
007d = Diancie
00af = Hoopa
019b = Volcanion
0021 = Type: Null
0022 = Silvally
0140 = Tapu Koko
0141 = Tapu Bulu
00b1 = Tapu Lele
00b2 = Tapu Fini
001d = Necrozma
001e = Zeraora
00d5 = Marshadow


Infinite Cash

Cheat code:
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
1C7B3231 B494738C
C051CCF6 975E8DA1


Rare Candy

Cheat code:


Catch/Steal Trainer’s Pokemon

Cheat code:
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
E151C402 8A229A83
8E883EFF 92E9660D

IMPORTANT: Make sure you press L+R before throwing the Pokeball to catch a trainer’s Pokemon so you avoid getting a bad egg.


Shiny Pokemon

Cheat code:
F3A9A86D 4E2629B4
18452A7D DDE55BCC


Walk Through Walls

Cheat code:
7881A409 E2026E0C 8E883EFF 92E9660D



Cheat code:
958D8046 A7151D70 8BB602F7 8CEB681A


No Random Battles

Cheat code:
B505DB41 6E39EA4E


Wild Pokemon Modifier

Mastercode (Important)
00006FA7 000A 1006AF88 0007

Enter code: 83007CF6 XXXX and replace XXXX with your chosen Pokemon ID.

0001 = Bulbasaur.
0002 = Ivysaur.
0003 = Venusaur.
0004 = Charmander.
0005 = Charmeleon.
0006 = Charizard.
0007 = Squirtle.
0008 = Wartortle.
0009 = Blastoise.
000a = Caterpie.
000b = Metapod.
000c = Butterfree.
000d = Weedle.
000e = Kakuna.
000f = Beedrill.
0010 = Pidgey.
0011 = Pidgeotto.
0012 = Pidgeot.
0013 = Minccino.
0014 = Cinccino.
0015 = Cutiefly.
0016 = Ribombee.
0017 = Salandit.
0018 = Salazzle.

0019 = Pikachu.
001a = Raichu.
001b = Drilbur.
001c = Excadrill.
0025 = Vulpix.
0026 = Ninetales.
0027 = Jigglypuff.
0028 = Wigglytuff.
0029 = Zubat.
002a = Golbat.
002b = Flabébé.
002c = Floette.
002d = Florges.
002e = Morelull.
002f = Shiinotic.
0032 = Bunnelby.
0033 = Diggersby.
0034 = Meowth.
0035 = Persian.
0038 = Pancham.
0039 = Pangoro.
003a = Growlithe.
003b = Arcanine.
003f = Abra.

0040 = Kadabra.
0041 = Alakazam.
0042 = Timburr.
0043 = Gurburr.
0044 = Conkeldurr.
0045 = Fletchling.
0046 = Fletchinde.
0047 = Talonflame.
0048 = Tentacool.
0049 = Tentacruel.
004a = Geodude.
004b = Graveler.
004c = Golem.
004d = Litleo.
004e = Pyroar.
004f = Slowpoke.
0050 = Slowbro.
0051 = Magnemite.
0052 = Magneton.
0053 = Magnezone.
0054 = Skiddo.
0055 = Gogoat.
0056 = Seel.
0058 = Skorupi.

0059 = Drapion.
005c = Gastly.
005d = Haunter.
005e = Gengar.
005f = Onix.
0060 = Espurr.
0061 = Meowstic.
0062 = Binacle.
0063 = Barbaracle.
0064 = Helioptile.
0065 = Heliolisk.
0066 = Exeggcute.
0067 = Exeggutor.
006c = Spiritomb.
006d = Mienfoo.
006e = Mienshao.
006f = Rhyhorn.
0070 = Rhydon.
0071 = Audino.
0072 = Tangela.
0073 = Kangaskhan.
0074 = Horsea.
0075 = Seadra.
0076 = Goldeen.

0077 = Seaking.
007a = Gallade.
007b = Scyther.
007f = Pinsir.
0080 = Sylveon.
0081 = Magikarp.
0082 = Gyarados.
0083 = Lapras.
0084 = Ditto.
0085 = Eevee.
0086 = Vaporeon.
0087 = Jolteon.
0088 = Flareon.
0089 = Carbink.
008c = Skrelp.
008d = Dragalge.
008e = Aerodactyl.
008f = Buzzwole.
0093 = Goomy.
0094 = Sliggoo.
0095 = Goodra.
0098 = Rowlet.
0099 = Dartrix.
009a = Decidueye.

009b = Litten.
009c = Torracat.
009d = Incineroar.
009e = Popplio.
009f = Brionne.
00a0 = Primarina.
00a1 = Yungoos.
00a2 = Gumshoos.
00a3 = Starly.
00a4 = Staravia.
00a5 = Staraptor.
00a6 = Furfrou.
00a7 = Cottonee.
00a8 = Whimsicott.
00a9 = Crobat.
00aa = Chinchou.
00ab = Lanturn.
00ac = Pichu.
00ae = Igglybuff.
00b3 = Mareep.
00b4 = Flaaffy.
00b5 = Ampharos.
00b6 = Tangrowth.
00b7 = Marill.

00b8 = Azumarill.
00b9 = Dusknoir.
00bb = Gible.
00bc = Gabite.
00bd = Garchomp.
00be = Chatot.
00bf = Pansage.
00c0 = Simisage.
00c1 = Celesteela.
00c2 = Panpour.
00c3 = Simipour.
00c4 = Espeon.
00c5 = Umbreon.
00c6 = Kartana.
00c7 = Slowking.
00c9 = Unown.
00cc = Ferroseed.
00cd = Ferrothorn.
00ce = Weavile.
00cf = Togedemaru.
00d0 = Steelix.
00d1 = Snubbull.
00d2 = Granbull.
00d4 = Scizor.

00d6 = Heracross.
00d7 = Sneasel.
00d8 = Mudbray.
00d9 = Mudsdale.
00da = Pansear.
00db = Simisear.
00dc = Vanillite.
00dd = Vanillish.
00de = Vanilluxe.
00e2 = Dhelmise.
00e3 = Skarmory.
00e4 = Houndour.
00e5 = Houndoom.
00e6 = Kingdra.
00e7 = Zorua.
00e8 = Zoroark.
00e9 = Klefki.
00eb = Smeargle.
00ee = Hawlucha.
00f1 = Froslass.
00f2 = Audino.
00f6 = Larvitar.
00f7 = Pupitar.
00f8 = Tyranitar.

0116 = Grovyle.
0117 = Sceptile.
0118 = Torchic.
0119 = Combusken.
011a = Blaziken.
011b = Mudkip.
011c = Marshtomp.
011d = Swampert.
011e = Purrloin.
011f = Liepard.
0120 = Buneary.
0121 = Lopunny.
0122 = Scatterbug.
0123 = Spewpa.
0124 = Vivilion.
0125 = Combee.
0126 = Vespiquen.
0127 = Lotad.
0128 = Lombre.
0129 = Ludicolo.
012a = Bounsweet.
012b = Steenee.
012c = Tsareena.
012d = Nincada.

012e = Ninjask.
012f = Shedinja.
0130 = Snover.
0131 = Abomasnow.
0132 = Shroomish.
0133 = Breloom.
0134 = Spinda.
0135 = Spritzee.
0136 = Aromatisse.
0137 = Dewiper.
0138 = Araquanid.
0139 = Wailmer.
013a = Wailord.
013b = Skitty.
013c = Delcatty.
013d = Pheromosa.
013e = Golett.
013f = Golurk.
0142 = Sableye.
0143 = Glaceon.
0144 = Leafeon.
0145 = Luvdisc.
0146 = Corphish.
0147 = Crawdaunt.

0148 = Feebas.
0149 = Milotic.
014a = Carvanha.
014b = Sharpedo.
014c = Trapinch.
014d = Vibrava.
014e = Flygon.
014f = Riolu.
0150 = Lucario.
0151 = Electrike.
0152 = Manectric.
0153 = Numel.
0154 = Camerupt.
0155 = Spheal.
0156 = Sealeo.
0157 = Walrein.
0158 = Cacnea.
0159 = Cacturne.
015a = Snorunt.
015b = Glalie.
015e = Azurill.
015f = Spoink.
0160 = Grumpig.
0163 = Mawile.

0164 = Meditite.
0165 = Medicham.
0166 = Swablu.
0167 = Altaria.
0169 = Duskull.
016a = Dusclops.
016c = Slakoth.
016d = Vigoroth.
016e = Slaking.
016f = Clauncher.
0170 = Clawitzer.
0171 = Tropius.
0172 = Whismur.
0173 = Loudred.
0174 = Exploud.
0178 = Absol.
0179 = Shuppet.
017a = Banette.
017e = Aron.
017f = Lairon.
0180 = Aggron.
0181 = Castform.
0186 = Tyrunt.
0187 = Tyrantrum.

0188 = Ralts.
0189 = Kirlia.
018a = Gardevoir.
018b = Bagon.
018c = Shelgon.
018d = Salamence.
018e = Beldum.
018f = Metang.
0190 = Metagross.
0191 = Nihilego.
0192 = Xurkitree.
0193 = Guzzlord.


Wild Pokemon Level Modifier

Mastercode (Important)
00006FA7 000A 1006AF88 0007

Enter code: 83007CF6 XXXX and replace XXXX with your chosen Pokemon ID.

0001 = Bulbasaur.
0002 = Ivysaur.
0003 = Venusaur.
0004 = Charmander.
0005 = Charmeleon.
0006 = Charizard.
0007 = Squirtle.
0008 = Wartortle.
0009 = Blastoise.
000a = Caterpie.
000b = Metapod.
000c = Butterfree.
000d = Weedle.
000e = Kakuna.
000f = Beedrill.
0010 = Pidgey.
0011 = Pidgeotto.
0012 = Pidgeot.
0013 = Minccino.
0014 = Cinccino.
0015 = Cutiefly.
0016 = Ribombee.
0017 = Salandit.
0018 = Salazzle.

0019 = Pikachu.
001a = Raichu.
001b = Drilbur.
001c = Excadrill.
0025 = Vulpix.
0026 = Ninetales.
0027 = Jigglypuff.
0028 = Wigglytuff.
0029 = Zubat.
002a = Golbat.
002b = Flabébé.
002c = Floette.
002d = Florges.
002e = Morelull.
002f = Shiinotic.
0032 = Bunnelby.
0033 = Diggersby.
0034 = Meowth.
0035 = Persian.
0038 = Pancham.
0039 = Pangoro.
003a = Growlithe.
003b = Arcanine.
003f = Abra.

  • 0040 = Kadabra.
  • 0041 = Alakazam.
  • 0042 = Timburr.
  • 0043 = Gurburr.
  • 0044 = Conkeldurr.
  • 0045 = Fletchling.
  • 0046 = Fletchinde.
  • 0047 = Talonflame.
  • 0048 = Tentacool.
  • 0049 = Tentacruel.
  • 004a = Geodude.
  • 004b = Graveler.
  • 004c = Golem.
  • 004d = Litleo.
  • 004e = Pyroar.
  • 004f = Slowpoke.
  • 0050 = Slowbro.
  • 0051 = Magnemite.
  • 0052 = Magneton.
  • 0053 = Magnezone.
  • 0054 = Skiddo.
  • 0055 = Gogoat.
  • 0056 = Seel.
  • 0058 = Skorupi.
  • 0059 = Drapion.
  • 005c = Gastly.
  • 005d = Haunter.
  • 005e = Gengar.
  • 005f = Onix.
  • 0060 = Espurr.
  • 0061 = Meowstic.
  • 0062 = Binacle.
  • 0063 = Barbaracle.
  • 0064 = Helioptile.
  • 0065 = Heliolisk.
  • 0066 = Exeggcute.
  • 0067 = Exeggutor.
  • 006c = Spiritomb.
  • 006d = Mienfoo.
  • 006e = Mienshao.
  • 006f = Rhyhorn.
  • 0070 = Rhydon.
  • 0071 = Audino.
  • 0072 = Tangela.
  • 0073 = Kangaskhan.
  • 0074 = Horsea.
  • 0075 = Seadra.
  • 0076 = Goldeen.
  • 0077 = Seaking.
  • 007a = Gallade.
  • 007b = Scyther.
  • 007f = Pinsir.
  • 0080 = Sylveon.
  • 0081 = Magikarp.
  • 0082 = Gyarados.
  • 0083 = Lapras.
  • 0084 = Ditto.
  • 0085 = Eevee.
  • 0086 = Vaporeon.
  • 0087 = Jolteon.
  • 0088 = Flareon.
  • 0089 = Carbink.
  • 008c = Skrelp.
  • 008d = Dragalge.
  • 008e = Aerodactyl.
  • 008f = Buzzwole.
  • 0093 = Goomy.
  • 0094 = Sliggoo.
  • 0095 = Goodra.
  • 0098 = Rowlet.
  • 0099 = Dartrix.
  • 009a = Decidueye.
  • 009b = Litten.
  • 009c = Torracat.
  • 009d = Incineroar.
  • 009e = Popplio.
  • 009f = Brionne.
  • 00a0 = Primarina.
  • 00a1 = Yungoos.
  • 00a2 = Gumshoos.
  • 00a3 = Starly.
  • 00a4 = Staravia.
  • 00a5 = Staraptor.
  • 00a6 = Furfrou.
  • 00a7 = Cottonee.
  • 00a8 = Whimsicott.
  • 00a9 = Crobat.
  • 00aa = Chinchou.
  • 00ab = Lanturn.
  • 00ac = Pichu.
  • 00ae = Igglybuff.
  • 00b3 = Mareep.
  • 00b4 = Flaaffy.
  • 00b5 = Ampharos.
  • 00b6 = Tangrowth.
  • 00b7 = Marill.
  • 00b8 = Azumarill.
  • 00b9 = Dusknoir.
  • 00bb = Gible.
  • 00bc = Gabite.
  • 00bd = Garchomp.
  • 00be = Chatot.
  • 00bf = Pansage.
  • 00c0 = Simisage.
  • 00c1 = Celesteela.
  • 00c2 = Panpour.
  • 00c3 = Simipour.
  • 00c4 = Espeon.
  • 00c5 = Umbreon.
  • 00c6 = Kartana.
  • 00c7 = Slowking.
  • 00c9 = Unown.
  • 00cc = Ferroseed.
  • 00cd = Ferrothorn.
  • 00ce = Weavile.
  • 00cf = Togedemaru.
  • 00d0 = Steelix.
  • 00d1 = Snubbull.
  • 00d2 = Granbull.
  • 00d4 = Scizor.
  • 00d6 = Heracross.
  • 00d7 = Sneasel.
  • 00d8 = Mudbray.
  • 00d9 = Mudsdale.
  • 00da = Pansear.
  • 00db = Simisear.
  • 00dc = Vanillite.
  • 00dd = Vanillish.
  • 00de = Vanilluxe.
  • 00e2 = Dhelmise.
  • 00e3 = Skarmory.
  • 00e4 = Houndour.
  • 00e5 = Houndoom.
  • 00e6 = Kingdra.
  • 00e7 = Zorua.
  • 00e8 = Zoroark.
  • 00e9 = Klefki.
  • 00eb = Smeargle.
  • 00ee = Hawlucha.
  • 00f1 = Froslass.
  • 00f2 = Audino.
  • 00f6 = Larvitar.
  • 00f7 = Pupitar.
  • 00f8 = Tyranitar.
  • 0116 = Grovyle.
  • 0117 = Sceptile.
  • 0118 = Torchic.
  • 0119 = Combusken.
  • 011a = Blaziken.
  • 011b = Mudkip.
  • 011c = Marshtomp.
  • 011d = Swampert.
  • 011e = Purrloin.
  • 011f = Liepard.
  • 0120 = Buneary.
  • 0121 = Lopunny.
  • 0122 = Scatterbug.
  • 0123 = Spewpa.
  • 0124 = Vivilion.
  • 0125 = Combee.
  • 0126 = Vespiquen.
  • 0127 = Lotad.
  • 0128 = Lombre.
  • 0129 = Ludicolo.
  • 012a = Bounsweet.
  • 012b = Steenee.
  • 012c = Tsareena.
  • 012d = Nincada.
  • 012e = Ninjask.
  • 012f = Shedinja.
  • 0130 = Snover.
  • 0131 = Abomasnow.
  • 0132 = Shroomish.
  • 0133 = Breloom.
  • 0134 = Spinda.
  • 0135 = Spritzee.
  • 0136 = Aromatisse.
  • 0137 = Dewiper.
  • 0138 = Araquanid.
  • 0139 = Wailmer.
  • 013a = Wailord.
  • 013b = Skitty.
  • 013c = Delcatty.
  • 013d = Pheromosa.
  • 013e = Golett.
  • 013f = Golurk.
  • 0142 = Sableye.
  • 0143 = Glaceon.
  • 0144 = Leafeon.
  • 0145 = Luvdisc.
  • 0146 = Corphish.
  • 0147 = Crawdaunt.
  • 0148 = Feebas.
  • 0149 = Milotic.
  • 014a = Carvanha.
  • 014b = Sharpedo.
  • 014c = Trapinch.
  • 014d = Vibrava.
  • 014e = Flygon.
  • 014f = Riolu.
  • 0150 = Lucario.
  • 0151 = Electrike.
  • 0152 = Manectric.
  • 0153 = Numel.
  • 0154 = Camerupt.
  • 0155 = Spheal.
  • 0156 = Sealeo.
  • 0157 = Walrein.
  • 0158 = Cacnea.
  • 0159 = Cacturne.
  • 015a = Snorunt.
  • 015b = Glalie.
  • 015e = Azurill.
  • 015f = Spoink.
  • 0160 = Grumpig.
  • 0163 = Mawile.
  • 0164 = Meditite.
  • 0165 = Medicham.
  • 0166 = Swablu.
  • 0167 = Altaria.
  • 0169 = Duskull.
  • 016a = Dusclops.
  • 016c = Slakoth.
  • 016d = Vigoroth.
  • 016e = Slaking.
  • 016f = Clauncher.
  • 0170 = Clawitzer.
  • 0171 = Tropius.
  • 0172 = Whismur.
  • 0173 = Loudred.
  • 0174 = Exploud.
  • 0178 = Absol.
  • 0179 = Shuppet.
  • 017a = Banette.
  • 017e = Aron.
  • 017f = Lairon.
  • 0180 = Aggron.
  • 0181 = Castform.
  • 0186 = Tyrunt.
  • 0187 = Tyrantrum.
  • 0188 = Ralts.
  • 0189 = Kirlia.
  • 018a = Gardevoir.
  • 018b = Bagon.
  • 018c = Shelgon.
  • 018d = Salamence.
  • 018e = Beldum.
  • 018f = Metang.
  • 0190 = Metagross.
  • 0191 = Nihilego.
  • 0192 = Xurkitree.
  • 0193 = Guzzlord.
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