Sunday, March 23, 2025

Pokemon Showdown Commands: All you need to know

Developed by Zarel, Pokemon Showdown is a web-based battle simulator game. You have to fight with Pokemons in this game to rank up. There are certain match formats in the game. However, with a few useful commands, you can perform certain functions in Pokemon Showdown.

Even though there are a lot of commands, in this article, we have mentioned the useful ones only. Let’s dig into it.

Pokemon Showdown Commands

  • /nick [username]: Change the username.
  • /avatar [name]: Changes the avatar to one of the default ones on Showdown
  • /rating, /rank, /ranking, /ladder, /rating, [username]: Check the ranking on the ladder(s) of the server you are in.
  • /forfeit: Forfeits the match you are in.
  • /whois, /whois [username]: Gets information about a user.
  • /msg [username], [message] OR /w [username], [message]: Private messages the username with the message.
  • /reply [username]: Sends a message to the last person in conversation.
  • /ignore [username]: Ignores a user, blocking all messages and PMs.
  • /away OR /idle: Ignores all challenges and PMs
  • /back: Reverses /away.
  • /highlight [word], /highlight list, /highlight delete, [word], /highlight delete: Adds a word to the highlight list, Shows the highlight list, Deletes a word from the highlight list, and Deletes the highlight list.
  • /tour join: Joins the current tournament.
  • /tour leave: Leaves tournament.
  • /auth: Displays global and room auth
  • /roomauth: Displays the auth in the room.
  • /inv, /invite [username], [room]: Invites a user to join a room in PM.
  • spoiler: [message]: Produces a grayed-out message area that requires users to hover over to see the message.
  • /statcalc [level] [base stat] [IVs] [nature] [EVs] [modifier]: Calculates the actual stat of a Pokemon.
  • /blockpms: Block all PMs.
  • /unblockpms: Undoes block PMs.
  • /blockchallenges: Blocks challenges
  • /unblockchallenges: Undoes block challenges.
  • /clear: Clears the chat log.
  • /me [message]: Displays yourself talking the in the third person.
  • /friend add [username] OR /friend [username]: Adds a friend.

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Also Read | How To Forfeit In Pokemon Showdown?

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