Riot games issued a year-end update from the Valorant developers to help the users, professionals and fans get a better understanding of the process of introducing a new agent and more. In the video though, they may have left in an Easter egg; one that was pretty obvious and many people seem to have caught onto it.
As senior producer Arnar Gylfason was explaining the details of the patch, the work that goes into it and the entire stages the developers go through in order to inculcate the feedback received, fans could not help but notice that the gameplay running in the background showed an unknown agent present in both the teams on Ascent.

The agent, according to the first look, seems to resemble Phoenix to an extent. However, his hair and the part of silhouette shown is blue in colour, which could hint at it having some abilities that are inversely related to Phoenix, what with the already released agent resembling abilities charged by fire.
Also Read | Valorant Agent 14: All You Need To Know
The new valroant agent shatter is rumoured to be the fifth duelist and could very well have some sort of connection to Phoenix in terms of lore or ability usage.