As good as it may feel, India’s one of the top Counter Strike: Global Offensive lineups, Team MxB are ready to take the lead India into the PGL KeSPA Asia Minor Qualifiers after Brutality, D5, Overcome and Scorchers were unsuccessful in putting together.
Team MxB, the semi-consistent roster leaded by Bhavin ‘HellRangeR’ Kotwani are into the quarter finals of the PGL KeSPA Asia Minor qualifiers hosted by SoStronk. The roster which formed not before a week ago managed to eliminate some of the top CSGO rosters of our country with international level skilled players and even gave a tough fight to the UAE stars Riskygaming.
We managed to catch-up with Mohit ‘Spawn’ Wakle, who shared the team’s graceful win over some of the top notch players and the experience that followed with the participation.

Arpita Tewari: Hi Mohit, tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your association with Team MxB.
Hey! Great to be here, this is Mohit from Team MxB, I joined the team recently.. like a week back, been a CSGO player for a year and was formerly playing Condition Zero (6 years+ :P).
Our lineup for the event was Bhavin “HellrangeR” Kotwani, Shailesh “Blackhawk” Dalvi, Akshay “Kappa” Sinkar, Mohit “Spawn” Wakle, Tapan “Yoshimitsu” Potnis.
AT: A week! that’s very least compared to your performance at the PGL Asia qualifiers. You faced and beat India’s current-best lineup, Team Scorchers, was it an extra-ordinary effort from your side or it was just your day?
They were good but maybe it wasnt their day, we got some crucial rounds, we never played the map (overpass) together, nor we had any extraordinary strategy. Our IGL was doing a great job and we were sticking to the basics.
AT: You were playing at a godspeed with some 30+ odd frags, did that change the scenario?
No.. actually it is a team game and we were playing just like one.. we don’t care about the number of kills or scores.. we knew what our bottom-fragger was doing and were happy with everyone’s performances.
AT: You comfortably beat Scorchers, what do you think about Brutality?
They are a great team.. they play great at every level.. just that we had our day.. and yes we wish to play against Brutality to contest our skillset and be certain about how well we give our opponents a rough.. competition.
AT: That’s very sporty! Other than Scrochers, which other teams did you face?
Before scorchers, we played 3 teams, MYC , Accuracy and DNA, where we beat them 16-5, 16-4 and 16-3 respectively, and yes we felt very confident then. 🙂
AT: It was a never-seen journey, I mean, nobody saw this coming from your team at this Minor even when bigger teams were present. Where do you see yourself from hereon?
I actually don’t know, we haven’t decided anything yet something. we will let everyone know when it is finalized, i think i still lack alot on lan aswell as individual play I need to improve.
AT: What do you think is the key to beating such professionals at this stage, you got eliminated at the door of success, what will you do to improve yourself the next time you play at this stage?
First of all, fix a roster, practice hard on a lot of things, improve basics .. and with a good team .. maybe we can achieve. first of all need to fix lineup that’s the key.
There are alot of roster shuffle, sometimes they are good, but most of the time arent helpful to our community and the respective teams.
AT: How was your experience overall at this event?
It was a great experience overall.. playing and beating the top team in India surely gives you a lot of confidence to practice hard and be better the next time.. also shootout to the other players and teams.. coming forward and actively participating in these events.. SimpleX.G is one of those good teams which recently formed and are practicing a lot and hard with their lineup.
AT: Well, thank you Mohit for sharing your experience with us, it was great to have you with us. Good luck, practice hard and get better results the next time. Till then, Adios!
Pleasure talking to you, apologizes if I was bit rude. Feels good sharing my thoughts and experience with a larger audiences, Thanks and keep it up. Our community needs more like you. To make an impact further at a larger stage.
Edit: While writing this, Team MxB gave a tough fight to Riskygaming and were defeated by them with a scoreline of 16/10.