Saturday, March 22, 2025

Marvel Rivals Devs Working To Fix Peni Parker After Unintentional Nerf

A recent Marvel Rivals patch has hit Peni Parker with a pretty major nerf, rendering her completely useless and unplayable in higher elos. Luckily, the developers behind the hero shooter have already started working on fixing the issue.

Prior to the March 13 Marvel Rivals patch, Peni Parker’s Arachno-Mines were a massive nuisance to deal with—not just because of the nature of her kit, but also because of a bug that rendered her mines invisible even when they were outside of her Cyber-Web radius.

The bug was triggered when her mines touched her webs, but landed outside of their radius. As a result, unsuspecting players would often take heavy damage seemingly out of nowhere from the mine explosions even though the mines should be visible outside her webs.

The March 13 Marvel Rivals update aimed to fix this issue, but created more bugs for the Vanguard instead. This time, however, Peni Parker got the short end of the stick, receiving an unintended yet significant nerf that made her mines almost useless in matches.

Peni Parker Arachno Mine Nerf 

After the hotfix was released, several players reported that they were able to see and destroy Peni Parker’s mines even inside her webs, which shouldn’t be possible since her webs should make her mines invisible and indestructible.

Due to this bug, players were able to simply walk up to her webs and destroy the mines with a melee to prevent themselves from taking any damage, rendering Peni completely unplayable in higher ranks.

NetEase Acknowledges Peni Parker Bugs

Through an official blog post on March 20th, NetEase acknowledged the bugs involving Peni Parker and her Arachno-Mines, claiming that they were working on shipping a hotfix to the problem.

“It seems that even when entering her Cyber-Web, the mines can still be attacked and destroyed during their burrowing and explosive phases, which is definitely impacting her gameplay experience,” a statement from the dev team reads. “We recognize this as a bug.”

The company further reassured players that they’ve been able to pinpoint the cause of this issue and will update fans in the near future.

NetEase has yet to provide an estimated release date for the Peni Parker fixes. Until the update is shipped to the game, it is advised for Marvel Rivals players to avoid playing Peni Parker completely, since her kit can now be countered by anyone who’s aware of the bug.

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