Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Free Fire collaborates with Vietnamese singer to launch a new character ‘Skyler’

Free Fire is known for their global collaborations and Garena has successfully introduced a lot of diversified content in the game. These collaborations are usually on a big scale and many events or in-game seasons are themed surrounding such big partnerships. Garena has collaborated with Vietnamese singer Son Tung M-TP and is launching a new character based on him.

Son Tung M-TP is a Vietnamese singer and songwriter and is the first Vietnamese character to join the line of Free Fire characters. The game has made some big partnerships till date and brought many personalities to the game. Some big names like Cristiano Ronaldo, Hritik Roshan and KSHMR have their own in-game characters in Free Fire.

The new character is named as Skyler and will be launched in the next seasonal update. This character was leaked a long time ago and many rumors were floating around which related Skyler to real life personalities. Garena has finally revealed the connection and confirmed that Skyler is based on Son Tung M-TP.

Skyler is described as a “CEO and Superstar” and has an ability called Riptide Rhythm. When this active ability is used, it unleashes a sonic wave which damages gloo walls within range and each deployed gloo wall will result in HP recover by four units. This ability is not clearly defined yet but once the character is launched, we might get a clear idea on what it does.

This is another real life based character in Free Fire and last time, player base criticized Garena for launching the character ‘Chrono’ with overpowering active skill so it will be interesting to see if the developers balance that out. Skyler is certainly being hyped and will be seen in the next update.

Also Read | Players ask Garena to nerf Chrono in Free Fire

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