Saturday, February 22, 2025

How to unban your account in Free Fire?

Free Fire is a popular battle royale game having millions of active players on a daily basis. Garena has a strong anti-cheat system but sometimes, innocents can face banhammer for no good reason. Here is a simple guide for them to get their accounts back.

The developers have to handle large numbers and be vigilant about various malpractices that can take place in Free Fire. They have multiple systems that aid them in identifying hackers but in some rare cases, some players might be suspended from the game.

Most of the accounts are banned in Free Fire because they violate the policies implemented by Garena. These violations can be in the form of hacking, cheating, using foul language, or engaging in unethical activities in-game.

Players who receive a ban for breaching the policy by committing any such act can not expect to get their account back but if you are sure that you have not violated any rules, you can file a complaint and get the account back after going through a reviewing process.

Players can contact customer support and get their accounts back. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Click here to visit Garena Customer Service page.
  • Click on Email Now and file a complaint. You need to describe your issue and it will be filed as a ticket.
  • Garena will review your request and respond. If you are not guilty of any levied restrictions, you might get your account back.

Note that if you have breached any of their policies or tried any third-party applications to alter the game client, it will be considered as cheating you cannot get your account back in such cases.

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Divyesh Moghe
Divyesh Moghe
Content writer and Esports enthusiast
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