Friday, March 28, 2025

A new game mode may soon hit official CSGO servers

Valve's June 10th CSGO update seems to have implemented new game files which directly hint towards a new game mode coming to CSGO.

Data miners across Reddit and Twitter have found some intriguing news about a new game mode being added to CSGO. After the June 10th update, new entities which have surfaced on Mirage and Inferno appear to confirm the oncoming of a new game mode to CSGO in near future.

Through a recent tweet, Gabe Follower has informed fans about new “retake” brush entities being added to the game, which hints to the retake game mode finally being added to the official servers for players to enjoy.

This was further elaborated by Reddit user u/Forest_Technicality through his post where he shares his findings.

The post presents pictures of the newly discovered entities which directs at the possibility of the Retake game mode and 1v1 arenas making its entrance to Mirage soon.

The redditor found that around both the A and B bombsites there are sets of ‘func_brushes’ named ‘retake.asite’ and ‘retake.bsite’ which are togglable barriers. “Similar barriers are used for converting regular 5v5 maps into wingman maps except those are called brush.blocker,” Forest mentions. “Currently these barriers are disabled by default and there is nothing in the map that can enable them, likewise there are no associated spawn entities to go with these clip brushes,” he adds. 

He also mentioned that a retake server would require its own separate script file but there is none currently present in the ‘scripts’ directory of CSGO.

What’s even more intriguing is the fact that the Reddit user has also found five 1v1 areas in Mirage, which can supposedly mean that Mirage will soon have 1v1 warmup arenas like Vertigo or Nuke. It can also point to a wingman mode being added to Mirage in future.

Retake servers being officially added to CSGO will certainly be a nice addition to the game. Currently players only have the option to hop on to community servers for warming up through playing a few retakes. Adding Retakes to official servers would not only prevent players the hassle, but would also provide a better environment and reliable servers for players to enjoy Retakes in.

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