Saturday, March 29, 2025

A South Korean High School has an Esports Department and government issued textbooks

South Korea has a rich culture of esports with a big history of competition in retro titles such as StarCraft. A South Korean High School has inculcated esports as an integral part of their curriculum by using government issued textbooks to promote esports among the students.

South Korea has been a dominant competitor across various titles and one of the best regions in world’s biggest esports title ‘League of Legends’. This region has produced stars like Faker, who is recognized globally as one of the best players to ever touch the game.

A tweet from PlayerIGN, a well known PUBG data miner, has revealed that these textbooks are approved by the South Korean government and teach various aspects of esports to the students.

The textbook contains information about the history of esports, how to prepare for a real tournament and includes modules of multiple genres of esports titles such as MOBA, FPS, FIFA and RTS. The name of this high school is ‘Eunpyeong Meditech High School’ and it is located in Seoul, South Korea. 

This school has a dedicated esports department with multiple gaming classrooms. The following video showcases multiple insights on how the classes are conducted and mostly, League of Legends is the preferred title due to its immense popularity in South Korea.

The modules of their course were also mentioned in brief where it was stated that the first year contains information about various esports events and esports in general. The second year students learn about work ethics in esports industry and in the final year, students receive a ‘esports psychological training’.

It is a very rare sight to see a High School including esports as a part of their curriculum and this certainly shows the influence of esports industry as a whole in South Korea.


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