Thursday, March 20, 2025

Counter Strike 2 Achievement Guide: How To Get the Hidden Achievement in CS2?

It has been a few weeks since the full release of Counter-Strike 2, and millions of players from throughout the globe have tuned into the title to enjoy their favorite competitive shooter with upgraded visuals and improved gameplay.

If you’ve been browsing through your friends’ profiles on Steam, chances are that you’ve caught many of them obtaining the ‘Hidden Achievement’ in CS2. Now what is this hidden CS2 achievement, and how do you get it? If you’re here looking for the answers to these questions, we have you covered.

In this article, we’re gonna take a look at how you can get the only achievement that’s available in CS2 to date.

Counter Strike 2 Achievements

Counter Strike 2 differs from its predecessor CSGO by featuring just one achievement, a significant departure from the previous game’s 167 achievements. This sole achievement has been named ‘A New Beginning’ and its description reads, ‘This is Counter Strike, too’.

While no official word has been given by Valve on how to obtain this achievement. The community was pretty swift to find the method of obtaining it.

Many players in the community have reported that to unlock the hidden ‘A New Beginning’ achievement in CS2, players simply need to complete one full game within the Counter Strike 2 universe. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t necessarily have to be a competitive or unranked match. It can be achieved in any game mode offered by the game.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get the hidden achievement in CS2.

As time progresses, Valve is likely to introduce more achievements to its competitive shooter. If more achievements make their way into CS2, we’ll be sure to keep our readers updated with detailed guides on how to obtain them.

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