Counter-Strike has been around for decades, and it is not a surprise that players are finding loopholes in the game. Controversy has surrounded RUSH B player tex1y, who disconnects right before the round ends to avoid a loss bonus.
RUSB B faced FAVBET in the opening game of CCT Season 2 Europe Series 20 Closed Qualifier, where the map saw tex1y disconnecting right before the round’s end to prevent receiving a zero loss bonus. In a sense, this takes advantage of the CS economic system and breaches section 7.1.11 of the CCT code, which forbids disconnections without a good cause.
Despite being illegal yet creative thinking, tex1y’s antics did not lead to his team winning as it was FAVBET who progressed into the next round of the tournament. Despite this, RUSH B has been warned, and along with condemning the actions of tex1y, they have promised to take disciplinary measures.
Knowing such actions are illegal, tex1y acted boldly, but the whole team now finds themselves on the receiving end of the backlash.