Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Nade Dink Fixed in Latest CS2 Update

Grenade Dink No More: CS2 Update Improves Competitive Integrity

The latest CS2 update has addressed an incredibly annoying issue where a grenade would give away the position of players by producing a “dink” when coming in contact. This issue was pointed out by ropz and finally, it has been addressed.

In competitive gaming, the tiniest of details can derail even the most well-structured things, and glitches like this open the avenue for unfair advantages for teams even though it might be unintentional. Valve has understood the gravity of the situation ahead of the Major and has dropped a fix in little time since it surfaced.

The full patch notes are below:


  • Vertigo
    • Fixed a bad collision interaction between grenades and a prop.
    • Fixed a wall bang exploit.
  • Mills
    • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes).
    • Added localization strings for location callouts.


  • Fixed mouselook inconsistencies when game render dimensions are different from game window dimensions.
  • Fixed erroneous target aim punch animation during client-side shooting.
  • Fixed erroneous Zeus shock effect during client-side shooting.
  • Fixed a bug where Zeus headshots wouldn’t emit the death yelp.


  • Prior Major results are now available in the Majors tab in the Watch menu.

It is amazing to see Valve respond to the issues pointed out by the community and it would have been nicer if they repeated this behavior more often. As things stand, Valve has fixed most of the problems with CS2 since its launch and it would be safe to assume that the remaining issues would be ironed out.

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