Tuesday, March 25, 2025

CSGO, League Streamer K1kA has reportedly committed suicide

In a piece of rather tragic news in the gaming and streaming fraternity, 21-year-old emerging streamer Kristina ‘K1KA’ Dukic has passed away. The reason for her death is reportedly suicide.

The news of her passing away was published by her friend Adrija on her Instagram account, which has over 400,000 followers. Kika was known for streaming CS:GO and League of Legends and had over 700,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.

There is no further detail on the unfortunate event, the announcement says:

“With great sorrow, unfortunately, we need to announce that our dear friend and angel passed away this evening. We would like to extend our condolences to her friends, family, and fans. This will be a hard time for us all and all we can do is keep her memory alive. We love you Kika and miss you more than words can explain.”

The suicide is reportedly linked to the hateful comments and messages she was receiving on social media. Some of the famous Esports personalities have also shared their grievances on her untimely death.

K1ka Suicide Rattles The Community

Although there was no confirmation on the nature of the death, local Serbian media did mention it in their stories. Further, Janko validated the reports of suicide on his Twitter and even suggested the potential reason behind this step.

Toxicity and hateful comments are one of the most underrated problems of our society and esports and the internet world are not immune to it.

If you’re having trouble contemplating your mindful thoughts, please reach out to someone or seek professional help. Google has listed some of the resources to facilitate your connectivity.

CountryHotline organizationWebsitePhone number
ArgentinaCentro de Asistencia al Suicidawww.asistenciaalsuicida.org(011) 5275-1135
AustraliaLifeline Australiawww.lifeline.org13 11 14
AustriaTelefonSeelsorge Österreichwww.telefonseelsorge.at142
BelgiumCentre de Prévention du Suicidewww.preventionsuicide.be0800 32 123
BelgiumZelfmoord 1813www.zelfmoord1813.be1813
BrazilCentro de Valorização da Vidawww.cvv.org188
CanadaCrisis Services Canadawww.crisisservicescanada.ca/fr833-456-4566
ChileMinistry of Health of Chilewww.hospitaldigital.gob6003607777
ChinaBeijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centerwww.crisis.org800-810-1117
FranceSOS Amitiéwww.sos-amitie.org09 72 39 40 50
GermanyTelefonSeelsorge Deutschlandwww.telefonseelsorge.de0800 1110111
Hong KongSuicide Prevention Serviceswww.sps.org2382 0000
IndiaiCall Helplineicallhelpline.org9152987821
IrelandSamaritans Irelandwww.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help116 123
Israel[Eran] ער”ןwww.eran.org1201
ItalySamaritans Onluswww.samaritansonlus.org800 86 00 22
JapanMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologywww.mext.go.jp81-0120-0-78310
JapanMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japanwww.mhlw.go0570-064-556
MalaysiaBefrienders KLwww.befrienders.org03-76272929
New ZealandLifeline Aotearoa Incorporatedwww.lifeline.org0800 543 354
NorwayMental Helsementalhelse.no116 123
PhilippinesDepartment of Health – Republic of the Philippinesdoh.gov.ph/NCMH-Crisis-Hotline0966-351-4518
PortugalSOS Voz Amigawww.sosvozamiga.org213 544 545963 524 660912 802 669
RussiaФонд поддержки детей, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации [Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations]www.ya-roditel.ru8-800-2000-122
SingaporeSamaritans of Singaporewww.sos.org1-767
South AfricaSouth African Depression and Anxiety Groupwww.sadag.org0800 567 567
South Korea중앙자살예방센터[Korea Suicide Prevention Center]www.spckorea.or1393
SpainTeléfono de la Esperanzawww.telefonodelaesperanza.org717 003 717
SwitzerlandDie Dargebotene Handwww.143.ch143
Taiwan国际生命线台湾总会 [International Lifeline Taiwan Association]www.life1995.org1995
United KingdomSamaritanswww.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help116 123
United StatesNational Suicide Prevention Lifelinesuicidepreventionlifeline.org800-273-8255

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