Thursday, March 27, 2025

Fresh CSGO VAC Ban wave storms a year record

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is currently the most hyped FPS multiplayer competitive video game undoubtedly. The hackers are not reluctant in their own fashion and continue to disrupt the game’s integrity, with having thousands of hours on the game and grands of dollars as the inventory value, the in-game abusers are least bothered to get banned from using ‘premium cheats’. CSGO VAC Ban arrives.

This has been a problem in CS:GO community for a very long time and it is the community who has suffered the most in these prolonged unfair games. Valve, on the other hand, has not been seen working on this particular issue with their strongest efforts. The cheaters are getting doubled and tripled with every passing day and no strict action or announcements have been made by Valve, until today.

The cheaters are getting doubled and tripled with every passing day and no strict action or announcements have been made by Valve, until today.

As it seems to be one of the biggest VAC bans in over a year period, the cheating communities, and forums have confirmed that their cheats were indeed detected by Valve a couple of hours ago. The technical side of this is not easily understandable, but it seems that Valve made some changes in their server-side encryption where the cheating software was exploiting.

Numerous cheating discussing forums also read a bunch of new threads by the users about the new ban wave.

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According to the data gathered by, close to 4000 accounts were handed ban by the VAC system, which triggered the 52-week high. Go check how many of the suspects according to you got banned!

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