Tuesday, April 1, 2025

CSGO: Zonic’s autobiography is now available in English

Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen who is the current coach of the Astralis CSGO squad has announced that his autobiography is available in the english language worldwide.

The book is called “ZONIC – The Astralis Story” and is 222 page book which tells about the journey of Astralis in counter strike and how they went on to become the #1 team in the world. He has been a part of the organisation since 2016 and has led them to win a number of trophies throughout the years. 

He has not only changed the gameplay strategies of his team but also brought in a new strategic improvement in the scene which includes – physical fitness, dietitians and physiotherapy which has led to a very drastic improvement in the scene.  

Below is a glimpse of his book and a segment from chapter five of his book describing his first experience with counter strike :-

“I realise right away that it’s one of the most intense games ever. Staying alive takes mental strength and complete control of the mouse and keyboard.

“I struggled at first, and usually get gunned down in the first minute. The mouse is no problem, but the keys are a different matter, and I stagger around the map like a bull in a china shop. I keep getting taken out by grenades and long shots. Often, I don’t even see where they come from until it’s too late. And when I do lock my sights onto an opponent, I only ever hit them with two bullets before the recoil sends the rest of the rounds up into the air. My mates make fun of me as I find myself lifeless on the floor for the tenth time in quick succession.

“Danny, what are you lying down for?”

“It’s no fun being shot over and over again. Being knifed and blown up. Again and again and again.”

The book can be ordered through amazon and its digital version is also available for purchase. 

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