Tuesday, April 1, 2025

CSGO: Heroic Throw ‘Illegal’ Molotov at BLAST Premier World Finals

In the opening game of BLAST World Finals between Heroic and Gambit, the Danish side threw a Molotov in the 11th round of the game. The Molotov is thrown from ‘mid window’ or ‘construction’ between B site and Mid. 

It lands between the walls of T-Mid and bugs through to the other side. Since the Molotov is bugged, it also burns through a whole floor below towards B stairs.

Although Valve hasn’t made an official ruling regarding this, the Molotov is very clearly bugged. It should not be passing through walls let alone through a whole floor, giving the CTs an unfair advantage at the start of the round, with a lot of utility damage.

According to BLAST Premier admins, these molotovs are bugged and not allowed in professional games. The admins immediately paused the game and a long discussion was held whether the round should be replayed or not. Gambit had already won the round and it would’ve been unfair to take this away from them as they didn’t even do anything.

After an extended pause, the teams decided not to replay the round, and Heroic were asked not to throw the Molotov again.

CSGO is no stranger to bugs like these be it a smoke bug or a Molotov. The Molotov has been known since April 2021 and is used commonly by Pro and Casual players alike.

This is similar to a molotov on B site inferno which bugs through the skybox and falls deep into coffins on the site, staying in the air much longer than it needs to. It is also seen on Overpass where Bridge on B site can be mollied from A-long.

TOs should allow these utilities to be thrown until an official ruling is made by valve or the bug is patched.

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