Saturday, March 29, 2025

CSGO Instant Bomb Exploding Cheat Makes a Return to Matchmaking

This new cheat (or resurfacing old one) explodes the bomb immediately after planting.

CSGO is no stranger to new cheats, hacks and other exploits. The hit and miss nature of the  Valve anti-cheat – VAC is one of the few drawbacks of this game, which is otherwise a joy to play for the most part. CSGO wallhacks, aimbots and triggerbots are now quite common, especially in high rank matchmaking. Other niche hacks may include anti aim or fake lag cheats.

A new type of cheat, which hadn’t been seen for quite some time has resurfaced again. If this is a new cheat or just the return of an old exploit, is still unknown since not a lot of users faced this. One reddit user, u/pinhorox did experience this exploit, which left them baffled as to what this was.

The clip was posted to reddit, and users quickly responded saying this was an old exploit that was seen years ago but had gone missing in recent times. So what is the instant bomb exploding cheat?


In a competitive CSGO match, or even casual and demolition modes for that matter – the main objective is to plant the bomb on one of the two sites A or B. The terrorists must plant the bomb and let it detonate, while the CTs will try to defuse the bomb. 

Once the bomb is planted, there are 40 seconds on the bomb timer until it detonates. In this new exploit, once the bomb is planted, it explodes immediately, killing everyone around it and winning the round for the T side. 

This gives the T side a hugely unfair advantage, as the CTs arent given a chance to defuse the bomb and all the Ts have to do is plant the C4. This goes against the very essence of CSGO and must be addressed immediately.

Supposedly, this existed in 2017 too and was patched by Valve, but an official announcement about this instance is still awaited. We may see this issue being addressed in the next CSGO update, but nothing is certain as Valve may take their sweet time in fixing this.

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