Saturday, March 29, 2025

Former Valorant Anti-Cheat Dev Offers Help With CSGO’s Cheating Problem

A former member of Riot Games’ anti-cheat team has reached out to a Valve developer and offered his help about the age-old problem of cheating in CSGO.

In a recent Tweet by Valve developer John McDonald, he claimed that most large scale online multiplayer games suffer from a cheating problem, but the CSGO devs are constantly working to fix them. “What active online multiplayer game doesn’t have cheating?” McDonald said.

In a reply to the above-mentioned Tweet, former Riot Games anti-cheat developer Nemanja Mulasmajic said that he was willing to help Valve tackle the cheating problem in the competitive shooter. “I believe my company can greatly assist with your cheating issue in CSGO,” he claimed in a Tweet.

Whether the two will work together still remains to be seen, but CSGO fans across the world are currently aware of the rising number of cheaters in the title and hoping for Valve to improve their anti-cheat at the earliest.

While it’s hard to say for certain whether Valorant has a better anti-cheat that CSGO, the popular belief is that the number of cheaters in the former is significantly less than that of the CSGO.

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