Tuesday, March 25, 2025

G2 looking to replace shox and Lucky

It looks like we are in for a French shuffle for sure, after the Berlin Major draws close. The foundation for it though, has already been laid by both Vitality and G2. Vitality announced recently that NBK- has been benched.

French journalist neLendirekt has speculated in his published report that G2 are also considering changes to their active roster. The French stack is currently looking to replace shox and Lucky in the active lineup.

G2 came close to entering the Champions Stage and assuring their place in the Group Stage of the next major, only to lose to AVANGAR and Renegades after being 2-1 at the Legends Stage.

The Major though, was shox’s first sub-1.00 event out of his last 10, with the stalwart ending the Berlin Major with an average rating of 0.98. Lucky on the other hand, has mostly underperformed at events since joining G2 from 3DMAX.

neL has pointed towards Lucky’s underperformance for the reason for his benching while there is no particular reason mooted for the speculation surrounding shox.

In the lead up to this report, we already saw CR4ZY CEO Antonio Meic call out G2 owner Carlos Ocelote in his tweet, stating that the latter had tried to poach players from CR4ZY. neL has stated that the players in question are likely to be nexa and huNter.

Unlike Vitality though, the report is yet to be confirmed by G2 themselves. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for shox, if he indeed is to be removed from the active lineup. A candidate for the new 100 Thieves roster perhaps?

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