Friday, March 28, 2025

Dota 2 Community Raise Concerns Over Immortal Draft Issues

Immortal Draft: A Nightmare for High-Rank Dota 2 Players

The introduction of Immortal Draft to Dota 2 in its patch 7.33 update completely revolutionized the matchmaking system for players in the Immortal rank.

While the new player draft system in Immortal matchmaking initially appeared to be a refreshing change from the standard matchmaking in lower ranks—allowing captains to draft their teammates—it has also introduced certain issues that have been plaguing high-rank queues since its implementation.

Time and time again, the Dota 2 community has brought to light various issues with the Immortal Draft matchmaking, and while some of these issues have been fixed by Valve, others still remain in the game to this day.

Dota 2 Community Highlight Problems With Immortal Draft

Dota 2 Immortal Draft

Since the release of the 7.33 Dota 2 update, the community has made repeated posts on the game’s subreddit alongside other social media forums discussing the issues with the current Immortal Draft matchmaking.

One of the major concerns raised by the Dota 2 player base is the issue of parties being split up in the highest ranks of matchmaking. For the uninitiated, if you’re queuing with a friend in Immortal Draft, there’s a chance that you’ll be drafted into different teams, which can make the game unenjoyable for both players.

Moreover, parties getting potentially split up has given rise to one of the nastier problems that haunt the Immortal Draft matchmaking—win trading. Parties getting split into different teams can make it much easier for one of the party members to deliberately throw their game while the other member (who’s in the enemy team) activates their double-down token and vice versa.

The Dota 2 community has been urging Valve to address these problems with Immortal Draft at the earliest. It still remains to be seen how and whether Valve will decide to tackle these problems.

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