Saturday, March 1, 2025

Fortnite Remix Week 2: Where to Find All the Choppas?

Soar Through the Skies with Fortnite's Resurrected Choppas

Choppas have made a comeback in the Week 2 update of Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix. Players can now find and pilot seven helicopters scattered across the island.  During Snoop Dogg’s week at the launch of Fortnite Remix, only one Choppa was available. However, with the latest hotfix for Week 2, helicopters are back in full swing.  

Our Fortnite guide is here to show you where to find all the Choppas during Fortnite’s Remix Week 2.  

Where to Find Choppas on the Map

Fortnite Remix Week 2 Choppas

With the arrival of the Eminem Remix, there are now seven Choppas on the Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix map.  

These helicopters don’t come armed, but they are fast and provide quick travel across the map, allowing players to avoid the hassle of roads. The Choppas are mainly located in the eastern and southern parts of the map, with none found in the northwest. You can spot them at points of interest (POIs), including one each at Snoop’s The Doggpound and Eminem’s Spaghetti Grotto.

The locations where you can find them are:

  • Craggy Cliffs
  • The Doggpound
  • Spaghetti Grotto
  • Retail Row
  • The big island southwest of Lazy Lake
  • The Rig
  • The Weather Station east of Misty Meadows

For more such guides and updates from Fortnite, keep watching this space at Talkesport!

Aathityaa Swaminathan
Aathityaa Swaminathan
A humour driven, highly ambitious individual with a knack for communication & content writing. Spent 12k+ hours playing Dota 2, then realised that the game was free to play because it costed you your soul, which is why I started consuming and developing content around the game. Check out my content on TE & read em, or not - whatever floats your boat.
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