Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Game Breaking CSGO Bug Lets You Reveal Enemies Through Walls

Game-breaking bugs are not a new thing in the world of online shooters. From time and time again, players find new ways to exploit a game to gain a competitive advantage over their opponents.

The CSGO player base isn’t unfamiliar with major game-breaking bugs either. While several major exploits have appeared in the title previously, Valve is generally quick to patch out these issues to maintain the competitive integrity of the shooter.

A new exploit that can potentially reveal the location of your enemies has recently surfaced in CSGO, and players are hoping for Valve to fix this problem at the earliest as it’s enabling players to gain an unfair advantage over their enemies.

CSGO ‘Mute’ Bug Explained

The CSGO ‘Mute’ bug can easily be recreated by any player in the game. This exploit lets players know the locations of nearby enemies using a weird glitch in-game.

As Twitter user ‘Aquarius’ discovered, if you mute the enemy team and start recording a demo, the enemies remain unmuted till they come near you.

This exploit works when a user types ‘cl_mute_enemy_team 1’ in the console and then starts recording a demo using the ‘record X’ command. The enemy team is then automatically unmuted and remain so until they come near the player.

This way, abusers can relay information to their team on the enemies’ whereabouts even through walls and other solid surfaces.

This bug can also be replicated multiple times during a round using the ‘logaddress_add 1’ console command.

Remember that using bugs and exploits in a competitive game to gain unfair advantages can easily cost you a ban. Readers are strongly advised to not use these game-breaking bugs in-game.

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