Tuesday, April 1, 2025

GTA Trilogy: Not All Cheats From Previous Games Will Work In Remastered Games

Ahead of the release of the much-awaited GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, developers at Rockstar games confirmed that some of the cheats from the original games might not work in the remastered version of the game.

The remastered versions of GTA III, GTA San Andreas, and GTA Vice City include various changes to the game engine and the overall working of the game. Due to these changes and other technical issues, some of the older cheats weren’t implemented. 

While most cheats from the old games look set to return in their remasters, Rockstar made an announcement and said:

“We actually had to remove a couple for technical reasons, certain things that didn’t play well in the Unreal base,” producer Rich Rosado says in an interview with USA Today. “But that’s actually where I’ll leave it. There’s some fun with discovery. I’m not saying plus or minus, but I’d rather not just go right on the nose before the release of the game and go straight to the end credits.”

Since the games were re-implemented on a new game engine, some cheats were not added to the game. It means that you can’t enable those cheats as they are not present in the game data right now. Maybe in the future, those cheats will be added to the game in an update or modded later. 

Also do note that using cheat codes in the GTA Trilogy will lock players out of unlocking certain trophies and achievements. Cheats are also carried through new saves on the same character, so before using a cheat in your current playthrough remember to keep a backup of your clean “save game” and then use cheats. You can go back to your old clean save files and continue with the trophy and achievement hunt. 

Right now the game is in a very unstable and unplayable state. The launch of the game was disastrous and the current version of the game is riddled with bugs and glitches that need immediate attention from the developers. 

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