Grand Theft Auto V Online has been known for its notorious loading times which would make the players stare at their screens for endless minutes till they get on the street of Los Santos.
Earlier today, the same has been fixed by Rockstar but all the credits have been bagged by a GitHub user/community modder named ‘t0st’ who first located the rogue game code, which would pile up the period of the loading time. He then went on to make his research public about the p2p network architecture and eventually caught the eye of Rockstar who decided to set up a probe on the modder’s findings. The report was initially made public by t0st on Feb 28. You can go through his research by clicking here.
The fix was then confirmed by the Rockstar and in a statement to, the former added,
After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that player t0st did, in fact, reveal an aspect of the game code related to load times for the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved,” the company said in a statement. “As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in a forthcoming title update.
The game developer finally decided to unleash the modder’s work through an update and to the community’s surprise, GTA Online Loading times have been cut to 70% of the total duration making the user get in the game faster than ever before.
In the wake of the game’s development, t0st was rewarded a sum of $10,000 from Rockstar’s Bug Bounty Program.
The patch notes for the update are as follows :
[March 16, 2021] – General / Miscellaneous (PS4 / Xbox / PC)
- General network connectivity improvements
General / Miscellaneous (PC)
- Improvements to PC loading times *Thanks to t0st for his contributions around this part of today’s title update
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