Wednesday, March 26, 2025

GM Hikaru Invites Former US Prez Barack Obama To A Game Of Chess on Twitch

Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura has invited Obama to play Chess on stream for a fundraiser.

Recently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez organized a legendary ‘Among Us’ stream on Twitch for the promotion of voting. The stream featured big streamers like ‘Pokimane’, ‘Myth’, or ‘Hasanabi’ and reached a viewer count of over half a million. This time it is GM Hikaru!

Now, it’s Chess GM Hikaru Nakamura who’s interested in organizing a game of Chess with none other than the former US President Barack Obama himself. The game will be streamed live on Twitch with the aim of raising funds for the Joe Biden Victory Fund and ActBlue – a nonprofit fundraising platform for campaigns and organizations.

While the former prez is yet to reply, it’ll undoubtedly be one of the greatest Chess streams of all time in case the match happens.

Recently, GM Hikaru Nakamura has been promoting Chess in a number of ways like posting educational (and hilarious!) videos on his YouTube channel, streaming regularly on Twitch, and not to mention the insanely popular PogChamps tournament which he was a part of alongside other big names in Chess like WFM Alexandra Botez and IM Danny Rensch.

Needless to say, the news of Nakamura inviting Obama for Chess has got fans across the world excited. The Twitter thread from the Grandmaster has exploded with positive comments from casual fans and hardcore Chess enthusiasts alike.

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