Thursday, March 27, 2025

Google Is Asking Android Users To Stay Home & Play Games With #PlayApartTogether

Google, the tech giant is notifying Android users worldwide to play games while being apart through a new campaign called #PlayApartTogether. The movement comes in to create awareness around the spread of the global pandemic COVID-19.

Android Users across the world are greeted with a notification which reads “Games that brings us together.” The landing page features famous esports title Call of Duty: Mobile alongside other casual games.

“Helmed by developers from across the globe, with health information and guidelines provided by the World Health Organization, #PlayApartTogether brings special events, exclusives, activities and rewards to some of the most popular games in the world.”

Google is among the rest of the big corporate companies around the world who are encouraging people to stay at home and play video games. World Health Organization (WHO) also earlier recommended that people should stay at home and play games.

Esports & Gaming have mostly been seen as an addiction, however, Coronavirus’s impact over the world have made people switch their opinions on this. So guess what you gonna do whole week ahead of you?! Play some games!

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