Thursday, March 27, 2025

DENDI with Tigers DotA 2 are the first direct invite at COBX Masters

ESL One Mumbai & COBX Masters are bringing incredible DotA 2 action in Mumbai this year. In the month of April, both the international level tournament will have celebrities competing for glory.

At COBX Masters, DotA 2 fanatics including the likes of ‘Danil ‘Dendi’ Ishutin, and his team Tigers will be competing. Alongside the invites, Signify has qualified from the Indian slot.

COBX Masters – a dual event for both CSGO & DotA 2 fans is hitting the Indian circuit in April this year. The pool for the event is $200,000 which will be equally divided between the two games.

In some breathtaking news, the renowned PINDAPANDA will host the event whereas, the deadly-duo James & DDK would shoutcast the CSGO tournament.

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