Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Valorant Patch 5.07 Mumbai Server Release Date

Many changes are set to be implemented in the upcoming Valorant 5.07 patch.

Valorant patch 5.07 will modify the game’s Agents, maps, and UI. Even though the game didn’t experience significant change due to the previous two patches, the next one is anticipated to shake up the established meta.

Valorant is a first-person tactical shooter that was released in 2020 and is entirely free to play. Two teams of five players each use distinct ‘Agents’ So far, the title contains 5 Episodes and 2 Acts, with 3 Acts in each Episode.

Everything a player needs to know about the patch 5.07 released for Valorant

The PBE 5.07 deployment was split into two parts. The first phase, from September 23 to September 25, featured big adjustments to Reyna, Yoru, KAY/O, and Skye, among other game fixes.

A second phase was needed due to technical problems in the first. It is now active, and it will come to a conclusion on October 3 at 11:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Date and time of the release of the Valorant patch 5.07 for the Mumbai (India) server

On October 5, Patch 5.07 will become available to players in the Asia-Pacific area. Valorant’s servers will be taken down for maintenance, after which players can download the update. Given the update’s file size, deployment may take a few hours.

It is anticipated that the Indian servers located in Mumbai will go offline on October 5 at 2:30 am IST.

Considering this timeframe, players should expect the 5.07 patch a few hours after the mentioned time window.

Changes that are anticipated to be made in patch 5.07 for Valorant

The future release may include PBE 5.07-style modifications. However, PBE adjustments may not always be implemented. However, here are some of the most intriguing changes expected in the next patch:

1) Agents

It is expected that Patch 5.07 will feature various modifications that have been tested in the PBE. When these modifications have been imported into the live game, players can anticipate seeing the following Agent adjustments:

Reyna’s Leer (C)

  • Wind-up of nearsight effect increased .6s >>> .4s
  • Range Restriction on Leer removed
  • Nearsight unequip delay decreased: .7 >>> .5
  • Nearsight unequip delay set to “Instant”
  • Duration decreased 2.6s >>> 2.0s

Yoru’s Blindside (Q)

  • Duration increased 1.5s >>>1.75s

Skye’s Guiding Light (E)

  • Flashbang scaling paradigm changed
  • The max flash duration of Skye’s Guiding Light now scales from 1.25s to 2.25s over a .75s charge up after being cast
  • Guiding Light can no longer be shot and destroyed
  • New VFX, UI, and sounds added to communicate new gameplay intent
  • [Not in PBE] Unequip Delay out of Guiding Light increased .75s >>> .85s


  • Underhand (right-click) flashbang max duration decreased 2s>>>1.25s
  • Overhand (left-click) flashbang max duration increased 2s>>>2.25s
  • [Not in PBE] Unequip Delay out of both flashes decreased .6s >>> .85s

2) UI changes

It’s also possible that some adjustments will be made to the user interface of the game. Players will at long last have the opportunity to designate a particular skin as their “Favorite.” The ‘Random Favorite’ feature will automatically equip a random favorite skin in each match.

The redesigned UI lets players filter guns by skin tier (Select, Deluxe, Premium, Ultra, and Exclusive), owned status, and favorites.

3) Fracture changes

The future update will modify Fracture significantly. The map has been reworked to balance attackers and defenders. It’s interesting to note that these alterations were left out of the 5.07 PBE patch notes.

Players eagerly await the patch given the aforesaid information. The predicted modifications could drastically change how Valorant is played now.

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