Wednesday, March 26, 2025

AFK Players are Losing More LP from LoL Patch 11.3, Riot Confirms

The AFK problem in League of Legends is not a new thing. The issue is even more prominent in the lower ranks, where an alarming number of games see a player going AFK or outright abandoning the game.

Luckily, Riot Games seems to have their sights set on fixing this, as evident by their announcement today.

Riot dev Mark Yetter explains in a Tweet that the team has added additional LP penalties for AFKing or leaving games starting from patch 11.3, which is great news for the player base.

“With a little more skin in the game, hopefully a potential leaver will think twice about ruining a game for their team,” Yetter said.

Needless to say, League fans are delighted at this much-needed change to the MOBA title, since it will potentially imply a reduction in the number of AFKers or leavers, which consequently will result in higher quality matchmaking and a better gameplay experience overall.

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