Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mazy Talks About the New BGMI Tournament Invitation Rule

Rumors have been swirling recently in the Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) community regarding changes in tournament invitations. According to the rumor, Krafton has instructed tournament organizers to only hand out team invites to the Quarter Finals, rather than the Semi Finals. Popular caster Zishan “Mazy” Alam talked about the implications of these rules during a recent livestream. 

Mazy Explains the Implications of the New BGMI Tournament Invitation Rule

Mazy stated that if this rule is implemented, it will carry significant implications for the BGMI esports landscape. Mazy emphasized the potential impact on struggling teams, particularly the fan favorite teams that are facing consistent performance issues. “Firstly, the fan favorite teams that are struggling will have to change their gameplay such that they qualify for Semi Finals and then Grand Finals. It will be interesting to see how these teams will adapt to this when they have had a bad time recently,” he added.

Mazy named a few teams to whom this change serves as a wake up call and need to make changes and work hard to stay in the competition. “Fan favorite teams like Team X Spark, which struggle to qualify for third-party tournaments unlike how they qualify in official tournaments. It’s good that they qualify in official tournaments, but they also need to understand how to qualify in third-party tournaments. Then there’s Godlike Esports, which is struggling a lot recently. Then there’s Revenant Esports, which is also struggling. There’s also Medal Esports, who missed BMPS. So, there are a lot of teams, who might make changes to their gameplay or start playing seriously,” he said.

“If teams start getting invited in Quarter Finals instead of Semi Finals, they will need to do extra practice so that they can at least reach Semi Finals. Because how long an organization can pay a team without seeing success,” Mazy added.

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