Tuesday, April 1, 2025

NaVi Open To Offers for mONESY According to Sources

In a new development, sources have told Dexerto and 1pv.fr that Natus Vincere might be open to hear offers for their 16 year old prodigy Ilya ‘mONESY’ Osipov. The rumours about him going to another org – on loan or as a transfer have only heated as of late, with many players and analysts weighing their opinion on how the move COULD pan out.

‘mONESY’ first caught everyone’s eye 2 years ago with his monumental rise on Faceit, as he was signed by NaVi Junior. He quickly climbed up the Faceit ladders, and his incredible skill earned him an invite to FPL.

FPL aka Faceit Pro League is a hub by Faceit where only the best of the best play 5v5 competitive games. It includes only the top professionals and other players who have grinded their way to the top. Since then he has been a regular on Twitch.tv and has nearly 400k followers on the platform.

Since then he has only gone from strength to strength, helping NaVi Junior finish as Runners up of the second season of WePlay Academy League – a tournament for all the Junior and academy teams of orgs to nurture the talents of the young guns from an early age and prepare them for tier 1 CS. 

mONESY has a HLTV rating of 1.36, which is more than impressive to say the least. But with NaVi in their best form ever, and every role sorted out for them it is highly unlikely he could make it to the main team any time soon.

More importantly, he is an AWPer and s1mple being s1mple, cant be replaced so easily, at least not for the next 2-3 years as he said himself on the HLTV confirmed podcast.

Hence, NaVi have decided that they may be open for offers for the 16-year-old prodigy. With teams looking to start afresh after the Major, teams like G2 and others in need of a prolific AWPer could very well sign him and reap the rewards. 

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