Valve shipped a new update to Deadlock on October 27th, and it has brought with it a bunch of significant hero tweaks alongside a couple of other changes.
While there’s a lot to cover in this new Deadlock patch, the biggest change that the update has introduced to the hero shooter is undoubtedly the tweaks to Bebop’s Sticky Bombs. The infinitely scaling ability saw a number of changes over the past few updates, including one that put a cap on its scaling potential. Luckily, the change was swiftly reverted after numerous complaints from the game’s community.
The October 27th Deadlock update makes it evident that Valve is still experimenting with Bebop’s kit, and the new changes will certainly force players to play the hero in a completely different playstyle.
Alongside the Bebop tweaks, the update also brings some notable buffs to Shiv alongside changes to a number of other heroes in the game.
New Deadlock Update: October 27th Patch Notes

Let’s check out the detailed patch notes for the October 27th Deadlock update, as officially confirmed by Valve.
– Urn NW lead requirement increased from 8% to 10%
– Majestic Leap: Cooldown reduced from 45s to 40s
– Shiv: Killing Blow cast range increased from 13m to 14m
– Shiv: Killing Blow rage per weapon damage increased from 0.015 to 0.017
– Shiv: Killing Blow drain rate reduced from 0.3 to 0.25
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb stacks no longer decrease on death
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb now gives stacks based on dying heroes hurt by Sticky Bomb damage with a 12 second buffer (previously anyone hit by the bomb would automatically grant stacks)
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb damage per stack increased from 3% to 5%
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb spirit power damage scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.2
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb T1 improved from -7.5s to -8s
– Bebop: Sticky Bomb cooldown reduced from 19s to 18s
– Grey Talon: Movespeed spirit scaling reduced from 0.04 to 0.032
– Grey Talon: Bullet damage spirit scaling reduced from 0.13 to 0.12
– Kelvin: Ice Path cooldown increased from 38s to 42s
– McGinnis: Mini Turrets Spirit Resist reduced from 80% to 70%
– McGinnis: Spectral Wall cooldown increased from 37s to 46s
– McGinnis: Spectral Wall T2 cooldown improved from -14s to -23s
– Paradox: Pulse Grenade T3 reduced from +1m per Pulse to +0.75m
– Seven: Storm Cloud DPS increased from 110 to 120
– Yamato: Shadow Transformation cooldown reduced from 90s to 85s