Update 0.14.0 which was released last week, potentially fixes lots of crucial bugs which existed in PUBG Mobile and improves the overall gameplay with certain UI changes as well.
According to the patch notes, rework has been done to Mode Selection UI, Daily Missions, as well as a new player vs player zombie mode, has been added, called Infection Mode. In this new mode, players can play as different types of zombies and hunt other players. This large update requires players to download 720MB worth of data either automatically when connected to WiFi or manually from the play store. Here’s a list of bug fixes that come along with this update.
- Fixed a bug where some vehicle finishes affected vehicle display
- Fixed a bug where customized control layouts were not being applied correctly on some devices with non-standard screens.
- Guest button was not displayed in some areas of India bug fixed
- Fixed a bug where win rate and accuracy were not displayed correctly in results
- Hairstyles piercing through some hats bug fixed
- Fixed a bug where some players could not see the Infection mode entrance and the announcement regarding the new mode
- Fixed a login issue found on iPod Touch 6
- Added a reminder for Resources Pack, where a pop-up will alert users that the download will be paused when they enter matches.