Thursday, March 27, 2025

Pokémon Go Max Raid Faces Community Backlash

Technical Issues and In-Person Requirement Plague Max Raids

Perhaps too coincidental, the latest Psychic Spectacular event in Pokemon Go also brings more frustration about Max Raid Battles into play. A chance to encounter a Dynamax Beldum and immediately evolve the mean machine into the mighty Metagross is exciting, to be sure. Technical issues, however, are still hounding the battles, leaving most players sorely disappointed.

Complaints are swamping the Reddit threads, continuing with complaints about all sorts of crashes and unresponsive dodging, yet more bugs that make Max Raid Battles a chore. One has to wonder if Niantic ever bothered to have quality control. They must have spent a lot of resources on the feature.

The in-person-only requirement of Max Raid Battles has also proven to be somewhat of a bone of contention. As a result of this restriction, even players can’t have remote play, which means that many participants feel limited in their ability to play. Furthermore, the restriction that only Pokémon capable of Dynamaxing can be used limits an already very small pool of possible choices.

Pokémon Go Max Raid

Only time will tell whether Niantic ever finds answers to these problems and makes the disappointments surrounding Max Raid Battle generally go away. At any rate, for now, challenges and disappointments about this popular feature continue to throw users for a loop.

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