Saturday, March 29, 2025

Pokimane says she “had nothing to do” with Leafy’s YouTube ban

Pokimane states that she has no involvement with the Leafy's mysterious YouTube ban.

Pokimane has been in limelight for a long time, from taking temporary breaks from streaming to posting a short apology video for various reasons. This time Poki has made her stance clear before any assumptions are made.

LeafyIsHere criticized Pokimane and her fans in a couple of his videos in elaborative points. Soon after that, she was on a break from streaming during early August.

There was an unaddressed quarrel between Leafy and Pokimane and after this mysterious ban, it was bound to draw attention on Pokimane. Poki was already accused of allegedly banning people mentioning Leafy or his videos on her streams or socials following the statements from Leafy.

Leafy accused Pokimane of “censoring the internet and publicly removing cricisms for maintaining her image”. That video titled Content Nuke:Pokimane had already crossed a million views soon after its release.

Leafy was mysteriously banned from YouTube for severely violating its harrasment policies. This ban came through soon after Pokimane released her apology video. Pokimane must have caught the wind about this news and soon clearly stated that she had no involvement whatsoever in this matter.

Leafy and his entire content has been removed from YouTube and no further information is disclosed by YouTube officials about this matter and apparently the reason is unclear for even Leafy himself.

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