The Final day of Opening Weekend was full of exciting fights and brilliant strategies. This stage was shortened to two days and 10 matches only. Opening Weekend will only decide upcoming groups for the League Stage and today’s score boards will get reset in the next week.
Match one – Erangel:
Day two had same maps lined up like yesterday. There was an early fight between GR Celtz and U Level UP.Fights were slow today in the early part of this map, no clashes for guns was seen. The usual meta of looting and rotating was observed.
U Level UP and Team SynerGE clashed in theirrotations, U Level UP was quickly wiped in this fight. A noteworthy clash between Orange Rock and Team Secret took place.Team Secret killed 3 players of Orange Rock and the fight was in their favour but OR Gillalmost turned the tides and clutched it by killing 3 of Team Secret, but the last player killed him and ended the hopes for Orange rock.
The zone entered its final stages and fights were beginning in all the parts.T1displayed why they should be feared at their drop location as they wiped TeamMORPH with excellent grenades through small gaps in the walls.
Many teams lost track of time and kept fighting out of the zone. They were later wiped out of the zone with the damage from both the sides. It shows that zone must be respected at any cost. The final fight was between No Chance Team and T1 where No Chance won this match.
No Chance Team won the match with 15 kills and 35 points. T1 came second with 6 kills and 20 points. Team Secret ranked third with 6 kills and 12 points.
Match two – Vikendi:
The snowy terrains of Vikendi had some early fights. Team Secret engaged with No Chance Team, where MegaStars engaged with MORPH Team. Both sides had some casualties but no team was wiped early on.
Team Secret hunted down the remaining players of No Chance Team and eliminated them easily. TSM-Entity fought with BOX Gaming and confidently reset their pace in this game with wiping them out.
The usual slow meta gameplay in Vikendi was followed where players prioritised entering the zone more than the fights.
The ending circles were full of bloodbath and third-party gameplays. Teams will knocked out of this map while in their rotations. Kill steals were happening and players were unknowingly giving back-up to other teams through team fights.
Team Reject Scarlett won the map with 11 kills and 31 points.SynerGE ranked second with 5 kills and 19 points. Team TSM-Entity was third with 10 kills and 18 points.
Match three – Miramar:
The same clash like yesterday between Team Secret and TSM-Entity was seen right at the start. Team Secret managed to get the guns and TSM-Entity was forced to run away from that place.
Another fight between Orange Rock and U Level UP where Orange Rock engaged with a good teamwork and wiped them out.Bigetron RA continued their domination and started with an easy wipe of Team GR Celtz.
Team Secret re-engaged with TSM-Entity in the later phases of the map. Rex from Team Secret fought 1 vs 3 with the players of TSM-Entity and won that fight.
As the match moved towards its end, a war between all the teams began and teams dropped out in the blink of an eye. When the fights calmed down a little bit, it was all of the Indian teams alive in the final circle. Team SynerGE fought with Team NOVA-GodLike and won the match.
SynerGE won the map with 9 kills and 29 points. Team Orange Rock came second with 11 kills and 19 points. Team NOVA-GodLike was third with 2 kills and 16 points.
Match four – Sanhok:
The match started very hot with fights between two big names, Team SynerGE and Team RRQ Athena. Shryder from SynerGEperformed impressively and grabbed three solo kills and eventually wiped the whole team.
The small map is famous for higher amount of loot therefore, rotations started very early. The teams were engaging with each other while slowly entering the zone.
The teams like TSM-Entity and No Chance Team took advantage of such fast paced fights and grabbed the kills while rotating. The fights were so messy that no teamswere intact when the last phases of zone kicked in. Only two teams were left standing in the last circle.
The zone favoured YodooGank till the very end and they utilized this opportunity perfectly and won the match while holding the centre.
YodooGank won the game with 11 kills and 31 points. BOX Gaming ranked second with 7 kills and 21 points. U Level UP came third with 5 kills and 15 points.
Match five – Erangel:
The last match of the Opening Weekend took place on the home ground map of Erangel. T1 and Valdus Esports faced against each other again in this map, but this time Valdus Esports had the upper hand in these fights.
Valdus Esports caught each player of T1 individually and wiped their entire squad at the start of this map. No chance Team took an unfortunate exit when they were smashed by many teams while they tried to rotate into the circle.
Valdus Esports could not continue their momentum as they were wiped out very early. The zone closed on the Northern section of this map and thus teams tried to enter early and find a good spot to hold. This led to a very fast paced and entertaining map to watch
Bloodshed was all over the map. All the teams were in a continuous engagement with one another. There was high usage of utilities like grenades and molotovs. Most of the kills and knocks on this map were taking place due to utilities only.
One player from RRQ did wonders, where he camouflaged himself in a bush and knocked players, stole some kills while being almost invisible in the match. He also pulled a kobe grenade which took out two players of Team Secret and eliminated them.
Bigetron Red Aliens displayed it to the world that why they are worthy of calling world champions. They managed to survive under a very high pressure situation, reviving teammates and picking correct fights which finally led them to victory.
Bigetron RA ranked first with 10 kills and 30 points. Team MORPH was second with 10 kills and 24 points. RRQ Athena Ranked third with 11 kills and 19 points.
Overall Standings:

Team Bigetron RA continued their domination on the second day consecutively and remained on the top of the score boards. They have shown that they can win the league at the global level yet again. They grabbed one chicken dinner today and ended the Opening Weekend with highest amount of kills and position points. This shows their consistency and synergy with which they approach each game.
Team Orange Rock was again ranked second on the day two. They had a slippery start but later managed to be consistent and where a little points shy of the top position. They recovered from their slump phase of PMIS and entertained their fans with their performance. Indian region has started to show that they have closed their so-called gap in between regional and global levels and are in the race to win at world stage.
Other teams at the top eight of leaderboards were mixture of South Asian and South East Asian teams and it was a very close gap between all of these positions.
The bottom half of the score boards will have to change their game style and learn where they were lacking. They shall improve their gameplay in the upcoming league stages to keep up with other teams in the long run of this championship.
The South Asian favourites, TSM-Entity could not perform well at this opening weekend. They had a very rough start and shall regain their dominating form once again and make a good comeback.
Each of these teams will analyse their strategies again as they have a new chance once the league stage begins. The scoreboards are going to reset for the league stages so this week was all about understanding the opponents and come up with perfect counters which will lead them to victory. Let us know what are your opinions on these games.