Friday, March 28, 2025

DarkZero Esports’s versus TSM at R6 North America League Finals

Day two of Rainbow Six Siege’s North American League Finals is underway. The main event R6 Invitational 2021 is scheduled to be held in Paris, France, from February 9th to 21st, 2021. DarkZero Esports, TSM, Oxygen & Spacestation Gaming are participating in the US Division 2020 Finals.

TSM qualified to the finals by beating Oxygen Esports 2-0 comfortably whereas DarkZero Esports had a hurdle, concluding the game at 2-1 versus Spacestation Gaming.


TSM: Geoo, Chala, Achieved, Beaulo & Merc.
DarkZero Esports: Ecl9pse, Skys, Mint, Hotandcold, & Hyper.

The game will be played on Coastline, Clubhouse, Consulate, Oregon, & Kafe.

DarkZero Hyper is already on fire

Although the game is quite close and competitive, TE opines that DarkZero Esports is expected to win the game, who do you think will win?

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