Tuesday, April 1, 2025

“Really Happy” not to go pro in Apex Legends says Ninja

Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins has claimed that the decision of not going professional in Apex Legends has made him ‘really happy’.

Ninja was banned from Apex Legends only a few days ago despite of honoring Apex with the Best Multiplayer Game Award at Esport Game Award 2019 just a few prior. No official announcement has been made by EA on this matter but Ninja has spoken publicly about it to Dexerto.

“I was really good at Apex, if I’d stayed on par with it I would have been one of the best players in the game, I’m really happy I stayed with Fortnite though. The competitive scene [for Apex] is so small, it’s so tiny. There’s a decent amount of players who are in it, and I actually really enjoy watching the games, but it’s just very small.”

Said Ninja to Dexerto

Ninja goes on to say that the size of the competitive scene for Apex is what demotivates him to pursue this any further. Rightfully so, Ninja, a former professional Halo player who became a household name after he rose to global stardom with the meteoric rise of Fortnite, can justify leaving a title based on the demerits of its competitive scene.

Ninja got banned! from r/apexlegends

The competitive scene for Apex is still growing, while they have dedicated $3 Million to it, Fortnite, announced their competitive scene to marked at $40 Million, thus blowing Apex out of the water.

Ninjas fell off the professional Fortnite scene in the later parts of 2019, not taking part in the $30 Million Fortnite World Cup cements that fact. Although for 2020 Ninja has shifted his focus to Fortnite as he hope to pursue it in a professional manner.

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