Stan Lee’s death 2 years ago left a void in the hearts of every Marvel fan. Fans who grew up reading Marvel comics in the past two decades hold him in the highest possible regard. He passed away on 12th November 2020 after being ill for a prolonged period, finally giving up to heart failure at the age of 95.
Stan Lee’s creation was shaped into movies and video games for the last two decades with each of them paying tribute to the legends in form of a swift cameo and Spider-Man: Miles Morales by Insomniac Games is no different.
To get the Best Fries in Town Trophy in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, players have to look for a Stan Lee Statue on Upper West Side. It lies beside Mick’s Dinner in the central part of the Upper West Side.

Stan Lee upholds his cameo from the first installment of the game where he was the owner of the restaurant. His bronze statue beside Mick’s Diner commemorates his contributions. This cameo is different from his previous ones given as it captures the tragedy of his unfortunate passing and not his jovial side.
His last Marvel Movie sighting was in Avengers: End Game and couldn’t make it to the next movie Spiderman: Far From Home. Upcoming movies like Black Widow, Wanda Vision, and Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness won’t feature his cameo but will sure look for a way to pay homage to their creator.